Chapter 8

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There were papers scattered on his table as he paces up and down in his office. He stares at his phone thinking if this is the right time to call her. He signed knowing ladi might not pick up his calls, for all he knows, she might still be mad at him. Shamsu drops his phone on the pale of papers that are scattered on his table. He then recalls the incident that happened yesterday at his house.

"Assalamu Alaikum, where's my little girl at" Shamsu peeped his head through the door.

"Wa'alakumus Salam daddy sannu da zuwa(daddy welcome back) how was work" Fadila welcomed him ignoring the 'little girl'sentiment.

Shamsu smiled knowing fully well that Fadila doesn't like it when he calls her 'little girl', she always says she's a grown up now so she doesn't need to be called a little girl. She even brags by saying she can Cook tuwo da miyan kuka just to prove a point.

"Alhamdulillah, it was fine"Shamsu suddenly notice a woman and a man's shoe outside the corridor near his living room door,he didn't bother because he's expecting Yaqoub so maybe he came with his wife.

"Fadila, are we expecting any visitors" Shamsu asked for confirmation.

"Yes daddy, is uncle Yaqoub and Hajiya, actually Hajiya came since after zuhr prayer. I told her you wouldn't be home till 6 but she insist on waiting for you"

"OK have you prayed" Shamsu asked even though he knows Fadila never plays with her daily salat.

"Yes daddy I did"Fadila smiled at her Father.

"That's my good girl, let's go inside and go upstairs, I'll be there in a minute"
"Ok daddy"Fadila closed the door behind her Father and hopped up to her room.

Shamsu couldn't shake the uneasiness his feeling at the moment. His rather confused on why his mother would visit his house without informing him even though she doesn't need to but she always calls him before coming or send one of the twins to stay with Fadila before Islamiyya time, but today's visit is just so unusual. Shamsu enters his living room hoping and praying that all is well.

" Assalamu Alaikum Hajiya ina wuni(Good evening Hajiya)shamsu greets his mother but she refuse to reply him. He saw Yaqoub sitting on the rug beside him, Yaqoub only gave him a sympathetic look and turn back his gaze to the rug.

Hajiya lubabatu is a beautiful fair skinned woman in her late 50s,she has an intimidating aura and a no nonsense woman when it comes to serious issues. Hajiya luba is also a gentle and kind hearted woman when she's use to someone she doesn't know and she has a soft spot for children especially her grandkids.

Hajiya luba adjusted her hijab and move from her seating position to face her son. "Shamsu! Shamsu!! Shamsu!!"
Shamsu raised his head to meet his mother's piercing gaze on him "Na'am, Hajiya" "How many times did i call you" Hajiya spat with a low but authoritative tone.
"Three times Hajiya" Shamsu is trying to recall what wrong he did to Hajiya that she won't even answer his greetings.

"Shamsudeen, this should be the last time am going to talk to you about marriage, if you can't find a wife for yourself then leave me to it. But then let me make something clear, if I make my decision, I'm not going back on my words. I've already talked to your father and his also fine with what I suggested. So now if you know what's good for you, you better start preparing for a wedding because you know me very well, finding a wife wouldn't be a big deal for me"Hajiya completed with a daring look as if she's waiting for him to object to her proposal or rather.........demand.

Shamsu is sweating profusely as he registered what his mother said,he doesn't know what to do or say because he knows that, this time, he has no way out. Why is Hajiya so adamant on this marriage stuff, is not like he doesn't like the idea but if Hajiya should choose a wife for him then the marriage would only be a compromise because he already has someone in mind even though that certain someone doesn't know about his feelings............... Yet.


Looks like Shamsu is in deep sh**t😬

Anyways I just want you guys to know that I'm really not happy about the lack of encouragement I get while writing this book. Seriously it won't take anything to vote or comment.

Please and please🙏🙏🙏ghost readers, you people should show show some love

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