Chapter 13

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Bintu's POV

'I know it's not good to eavedrop but i just couldn't help it. Who was that Mr. Shamsu that mommy was talking to, the name sound familier though' bintu thought. She just hope that it's not what she's thinking because the way her mother was talking comfortably and smiling at the same time is somehow strange. Bintu shrugged thinking it might be one of her colleges. she quietly close the door to her mother's room lifting the bag that she was asked to bring before walking to the sitting room, she then kept the bag beside ladi and sat on the rog facing their Tv.
" what took you so long bintu "ladi questioned,
      "The bag was on the bed but at first I didn't notice it" said bintu, ladi nodded without saying anything. They heard a knock on the door, bintu quickly stood up to attend to it. A woman probably ladi's neighbor entered with a picnic basket, bintu greeted her and excused herself leaving the adult to themselves. She slumped onto her bed with a sigh, realizing she has nothing to do, bintu sorted out some of her Islamiyya work before her Mom's visitor would leave.

Later on, bintu heard the front door closing meaning the woman has left, she came out of her room to meet her mom.
      " bintu look at what this woman brought for us, she brought a lot of food Allah sarki some people are naturally nice" ladi beamed "well no need to cook  for now" 
         Bintu smiled at that before taking the basket to the kitchen, she transferred the food to their cooler, washed the woman's cooler and went to her room to get a hijab so that she would return the basket to the nice woman.


The next day, bintu was rushing to go to Islamiyya, she arranged her books in her bag and ran to her mother's room to inform her.
     " mommy nah" bintu said sheepishly to her mom, ladi didn't look up because she knows her daughter, whenever she uses that tone then bintu wants something from her.
      " just tell me what you want bintu" ladi closed the Quran and look up to her daughter,
          "Mummy i wan..." bintu got interrupted by the sound of ladi's phone, ladi picked the phone to check the caller ID, after seeing who the caller is, she silenced the phone and kept it aside.
       All this while bintu was glaring at the phone for interrupting her
       "Bintu" ladi shouted her name this time to get the girl's attention
       "Na'am mummy uhm, I haven't finished watching the cups and I'm so late so I...." bintu said to her mother because she's really running out of time
    " don't worry is ok, I'll do it you can go now" ladi said while glancing at her vibrating phone.
Bintu nodded and quickly ran to her room to get ready, ladi heard the front door go shut, she glanced down at her phone and dialed the number,  the person at the other end picked up at the first ring.

" I thought you didn't want to pick my calls"Shamsu said smirking
   "Wa'alaikumus Salam to you too, and I'm sure if I didn't want to pick your calls, I wouldn't have called you back" ladi return back with a straight face.
        " ok I'm sorry I guess my sense of humor isn't welcomed" Shamsu said
      " no not at all, is just that uhm..."
      " hey is fine, I'm not mad, so how are you" 
Ladi signs silently thanking him for changing the topic, ladi told him she was fine and talked about a lot of things mostly about their daughters and their plans for the future....

ALBAYYINA ISLAMIC ACADEMY is a large two story building painted beautifully in a grey and white color. It also has a masjid(mosque) at the side of the entrance gate, some student where roaming about to their various classes.
However the student to primary 6 where called to the assembly ground, the Islamiyya officials where getting them ready for there upcoming graduation, they where addressed and  each one of them was given a task to do on that day, bintu was given a Hadith narrated by imam Malik to practice, suwaiba one of bintu's class mate was given the beneficiaries of Suratul Fatiha, she was amongst the best in their set. The boys where also given their own share of tasks, their mu'alim shared his own opinion on what they should do for the program. The student have already decided what they want to were on that day so the officials concluded  everything and dismiss the students.
   It was time for closing, bintu couldn't wait to tell her mom everything that happened. She picked her bag and went out of the class to go home.

I wanted to show you guys a little bit of how bintu's  Islamic school is and how she's so ecstatic about their upcoming graduation

Ok.... I'm not with describing programs or events but I'll tried my best.

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