Chapter 26

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Ladi woke up as early as 3:30AM, they  had a lot of work to do today so she woke all the woman, Amani was already up when ladi came to their room.

"Mata a gidan Man Mujahid, you've already woken up" ladi teases

"Well we have a lot to do and you know the men are coming today" Amani said.

"You're right, but Amani you're really trying. You've been working non-stop since you arrived from kano, baban lubna is enjoying fah" ladi wiggles her brows at a blushing Amani and left to wake others.

Latifa and Rashida where transferring the souvenirs to an empty room that was fourthest from all the rooms that where occupied, more people will be coming today so it was better to keep the goodes in a save place.

"Let's just bring all the gifts and snacks here too" Rashida suggested.

"OK, let me go and bring them" latifa said and stood up.

Ladi carried a 25 litre jerican of kerosine that she brought from her house. She arranged the firewood in between the huge stones that will hold the equally large pot. Ladi pored a small amount of kerosine on the jerican's cover and pore it on the firewood, she spread some papers, rubbers on the firewood before lighting it up with the matches on her hand.

Ladi went to the kitchen and brought out the large pot that Niima borrowed her, groundnut oil and a stol headed back to the backyard. She was going to prepare jollof rice, she came back and open the meat water she covered with a basket, there was no fridge considering it was a new house and Nasir have not decided whether to sell or rent it out yet.

"Sannu Anty(well down)" Amani's 10year old son, Yusuf said.

"Ah ah Yusuf you're already up" ladi asked impressed by how the boy woke up early all by himself.

"Yes they've called prayers" Yusuf said and smiled.

"Oh" ladi said and checked her phone. 5:23, she stood up and close the pot.

Ladi folded her praying mat, she removed her hijab and went out. The children have started waking up. She went out to check if the firewood was still burning, ladi meet her cousin Amma adjusting the wood "have you washed the rice" ladi asked and Amma nodded. Ladi thanked her and went back in.

"Hmm, I can't believe this. Maman baffa, not only that she didn't come to help us with work, she didn't deem it fit to even call and congratulate bintu, what kind of woman is she" latifa fumed while changing sakina's diapers.

"Calm down, we already have enough people to help us so why bother"

"And ya Mustafa didn't say anything" latifa felt so disappointed, she didn't see what her brother saw in that woman in the first place. She's so self-centered.

"What can we do she's still our brother's wife" ladi shrugs.

"Good morning mummies" mubeena and Nabila chorused when they entered the room.

"Good morning mummy, Good morning mummy T" bintu said weakly, she doesn't feel so good.

Ladi and latifa replied them and they went out to great the rest of the mummies in the house.

At 6:39, bintu had already prepared, she was in her islamiyya school uniform, she put the hijab and abaya she was going to were for the graduation inside a bag. Bintu was going to change from her uniforms to her graduation clothes in one of her Islamic school classmate's house that's near the islamiyya so as all the graduating girls. Their mudir suggested they came as early as 7:30 so that they could rehears for one last time before the program begins.

Bintu wasn't feeling so good, her temperature was slightly higher than normal, mubeena said it was because she cried yesterday. Of course, she told then the reason why she was crying after she came back from islamiyya.

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