chapter 3

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Ladi's POV

The next day in the staff room, ladi is sitting in her office chair typing something on her laptop when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in please"A man in his late 40s emerge.

"Good morning miss ladi " the man greeted with a warm smile

"Morning, Mr. Babale, how do you do"
"Am fine, Alhamdulilla. I actually came to inform you that the vice principal called for a meeting at the auditorium" Babale informed

"OK let me just inform my colleagues"
"Thank you" ladi added
Babale just nodded with a smile and exited from ladi's office.

All the staff members went to the auditorium as requested

"Good morning to you all my fellow teachers" the vice principal greeted as they all responded." I called for this meeting because I want to inform you that this man beside me will be the new principal of this school"the man sitting beside the vice principal is the former principal's eldest son

"As you all know my name is prof. Shamsudeen Ibrahim jaji and my father left unannounced because he's retiring, also he wants to thank you all for your services in this great school" immediately prof. Shamsudeen finished addressing himself, they where all dismissed from the auditorium.

"Excuse me" ladi is walking towards the literature department with her colleagues when she heard a voice from behind her.
"Yes" she turned and glanced at the new principal standing a few steps away from her

"Oh! Good day sir how may I help you"ladi is a bit amazed, 'I mean he just came so what does he wants' she thought

"I heard that you are the head of literature department" prof. Shamsudeen asked

"Yes that's right sir"
"You really don't have to call me sir, after all we are going to get to know each other so no need for any formalities"
"Huh" ladi has a bad feeling about this guy
" a principal - staff relationship" prof. Shamsudeen stammered, he also was taken aback by how he blurted that out, it was meant for his inner thought.

"OK"is the only thing ladi could say to him because she didn't know where the conversation was heading to.

"Anyways it's nice to meet you"Prof. Shamsu said

"Likewise"ladi added
"By the way you can call me Prof. or Shamsu if you want just not sir"
"OK I will surely take note of that" ladi smiled at him before heading to the department. She didn't want her colleagues getting the wrong impression because of the way they where busy murmuring while glancing at her.

"Hello ladidi, how are you today"Mrs. Niima (Ladi's colleague/friend )barge in ladi's office without even knocking.

'Typical Niima' ladi thought while shaking her head

"Wai me matsalanki (what's wrong with you), why can't you knock, what if am with someone" ladi glared at Niima

"You mean what if you were with the principal" Niima smirk

"No! No! No! Please don't start that, I just happen to bump into him and that's it" ladi hopes niima will drop it but turns out luck wasn't on her side.

"Oh please don't tell me you didn't notice how his eyes where all on you through out the meeting" niima blabbed

"No" ladi lied, she notice how the new principal's gaze where on her throughout the meeting but of course she's not going to admit that.

"Don't deny it ladi,everyone saw how his burning gaze where on you"
"How can you be so sure if it was me I mean there where many others beside me"ladi is getting annoyed at niima

"Look ladi, it's time for you to get a man in your life, you are not getting any younger besides don't you think bintu would love to have siblings"Niima stated as the matter of fact.

"Please niima, stop. I told you countless times, marriage is not on my schedule and how are we sure if he'll not run off like the rest when he comes to know that I have a daughter" ladi recalls how her suitors would runoff as if her daughter will be a burden to them.

" but ladi, not all men are the same, he could be different"
"Yeah but how are you sure of that"ladi is getting irritated by the whole marriage thing. Niima just kept quiet.

"Look even if he's different as you said, what about bintu what if she's not ready to accept another man as a father figure"ladi is hell bent on trying to reason with niima which is clearly a wastage of time.

"Just give it a try, am sure bintu would want to see her mother happy right"ladi is not sure weather to take her friend's advice or not. It's just three and a half years since her husband death and she's not sure if she's ready to move on.

After closing hours, Ladi saw bintu patiently waiting for her, she smiled at her daughter before they exchange pleasantries and drove home. Bintu prepared their lunch for them, after that she cleaned the kitchen and wash the dishes. bintu told her mom she wanted to go to her classmates house to help her with maths assignment because she knows her mom is not that good in maths.

"Mom am going to one of my classmate's house to help me with my math's assignment" bintu said more like a request

"Where's the house located" ladi questioned not really wanting bintu to go to somewhere far from their house alone.

"It's just across the street and don't worry I will be back before islamiya time" bintu gave her mother an assuring smile.

"Ok, remember, no talking to strangers"ladi added

"I'll keep that in mind"bintu waved at ladi before going out.


Hey lovelies
This is one of my favourite chapters🤗

Hmm🤔 will ladi ever accept a man in her life?
Will bintu ever accept someone to replace her dad?

Curiosity kills the cat😄
Let's fine out.

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