chapter 1

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"Bintu!!! Come on, we are going to be late "Ladi screamed from the kitchen impatiently.
"Coming mom, I'm just getting my bag pack ready" bintu said with an apologetic tone.

Immediately after breakfast ladi and her daughter rushed to the car and drove quickly to school. Ladi is a teacher, she is the head of literature department in the school while bintu is a jss3 student. Ladi enrolled her daughter in the same school that she works because she wants to observes the kind of company bintu keeps.

As for bintu, she really has a hard d time making friends because she always isolates herself in class, ever since her father's death , bintu has not been the same, she loved her father so much and she misses her friends and relatives in kano.


Ladi and bintu moved to Kaduna from kano after the death of bintu's father Tamimu, ladi moved to Kaduna because she had been appointed for a job by a popular private school there in kaduna. Bintu's paternal relatives volunteer to pay bintu's school fees and other expenses but ladi declined saying it's her responsibility.

Ladi is a very educated woman but Tanimu never allowed her to work,he would say 'it's better for you to rest at home and take care of your child' Tanimu's words😏

Tanimu is a very respected person in his family, including the fact that his the eldest in the family, he has two brothers,Nasir and Mujahid and two sisters Rashida and Nasiba. Tanimu died due to an accident on his way to a business trip. Ladi and bintu moaned bitterly for his death but couldn't do anything but to pray for him.

" bintu, bintu, bintu, are you ok " Nusaiba (bintu's classmate) is worried because she called bintu's name countless times but bintu is too lost in her thoughts. Nusaiba started tapping bintu's shoulders
"What! What happened, why are u tapping me" bintu frown coming back from her world of thoughts

" bintu I've been calling you times without number but you where lost in your day dreaming land, our teacher wants to ask you a question about the topic he had just explained "Nusaiba told bintu what happened after she zoned out, bintu turned and faced the class, everyone looked at her weirdly. The teacher looked disappointed, he was busy explaining while some students where focused on other things

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't hear you, could you please repeat the question" bintu apologized

"How could you hear me, you where lost in your thoughts, only God knows what you where thinking about at your age" the teacher rant angrily
"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again"
"It better not, sit down" bintu did as the teacher instructed, she felt humiliated because the class where busy murmuring about her and the teacher continued his lesson.

The student's prefect rang the bell which means it's time for break, the student started roaming about from their various classes to the canteen.

"Nusaiba, am really sorry for ignoring you, I totally dozed out from this world, don't be mad please"bintu said to her seat mate in an apologetic tone

"Hey girl, it's fine, I understand what you are going through, remember I also lost my dad and I know the feeling , it's really hard for a person to grow up without a father" Nusaiba said staring into space

"You're right, it seems like a nightmare that I won't get to see my father ever again in this dunya(world)"bintu said in the verge of tears
"Yes I know but you will see him in the Akhira(life after) inshaAllah, so just pray for him ok and you need to stay strong for your mom" Nusaiba said consoling bintu
Bintu nodded in agreement as she wiped her tears
"Am going to stay strong for my mom"bintu said while smiling

The day went by quickly, bintu did not wait for her mom because Ladi is having a meeting with her colleagues so she followed the school bus. After the school bus stopped, she waved her friends good bye and entered there house. Some minutes later ladi came back, she did not bother to knock the door cause she thought bintu must be fast asleep so Ladi open the door with a spair key.

"Welcome back mom ya aiki(how was work)"bintu greeted

"It was fine Alhamdulilla and how is it that you are not asleep" ladi asked

"Am not that tired today"
"OK how was school today"
"It was fine,your food is in your food flask near the gas cooker"
"OK let me go and freshen up first "
"OK mom I'll also go and pray it's almost time for islamiyya"
Ladi nodded and went to her room she knows bintu is hiding something from her from the expression on bintu's face.

'Intayi tsami maji (if it gets sour, we'll smell it)'ladi thought

Well if you're guessing ladi can read her daughter's mind, she knows when bintu is lying and when she's telling the truth and she also knows when she's hiding something from her, weird right, (typical Nigerian moms😁)

Bintu didn't tell her mom about the incident that happened today in class because she knows her mother could confront the teacher and bintu wouldn't want to be in any teacher's blacklist.

'Perks of being a staff's daughter😏' bintu thought

Ladi loves her daughter so much but that doesn't stop her from making her daughter to be well behaved and deciplined, bintu is her only daughter but that doesn't mean she should be a spoilt brat.


Yay... First chapter😜
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