Match 2.0 (Where were you Guys?)

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Credit to RavenluckArts on Deviantart


"Um, where are we going?" Asahi asked.

The 2nd and 3rd year boys decided to have a talk with Asahi about something. They enter the boy restrooms.

"We need to talk." Daichi said.

"Uh-uh I swear, I didn't do anything!" Asahi hesitated.

"It's not something like that." Sugawara explained.


"It's about Y/N." Tanaka said.

"And you!" Nishinoya said.


"Oh come on. It's obvious you two have some connection. You said you met her before" Ennoshita said.

"Well, yeah. But she tripped so I helped her stand up. That's how we met."

"So cliche." Nishinoya muttered.

"But you also have her phone number. You know, from last time." Tanaka said.


"It seems like she wants to be closer~" Sugawara smirked.

"Wha? No no no. She just wants to be friends. Nothing more."

"Yes, but do you want to be just friends with her?" Narita

"Well....yeah." Asahi said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh really? You seem to be very nervous amd get all red when she's around." Nishinoya exposed him.

"We-well yeah. I don't expect her to be near me." He explains.

"I mean, not everyone wants to be near ypu for your appearance." Daichi bluntly said.

"Hey. That's mean..." Asahi mutters.

"But, she ia so far the only other person that doesn't judge you by looks. She walked up to you like an equal." Daichi explains.

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"So she sees something in you." Ennoshita stated.

"Wait, like what?"

"Maybe because you're big! Girls like tall boys you know." Tanaka stated.

"Hey! So unfair!" Nishinoya mumbled.

"We just said it has nothing to do with appearance." Ennoshita said.

"It involces with personality." Narita stated.

"Y/N is pure, smarter, and tougher than me. What do I possibly have that makes me admirable to her?" Asahi asked doubtful.

"You are humble." Sugawara said.

Everyone looks ar Suga. Especially Asahi. Suga makes a smile.

"I think that's what she likes about you."

Asahi stayed quiet. He began to blush at the thought of you liking him.

"Why are you red Asahi?" Tanaka teased.

"Huh? I'm-nono- it's just-"

"Is it hot in here? Or is it Y/N?" Narita smirked.

"Y/N is hot- wait- no no no - I d-didn't m-m-m-mean t-to say that! I-I swear!-"

"Hahahaha we gotcha!" Nishinoya laughed.

"Don't worry Asahi. We won't tell anyone....except the rest of the team." Daichi said.

"Please don't."

"We'll keep it a secret from the Ukai's." Sugawara said.

"Thanks...." Asahi said in a big relief sigh.

"I'm just glad we got to the bottom of this." Kinoshita said.

"Asahi likes Y/N~" Narita sanged.

Asahi looked down. You could clearly see his sweat go down.

"Don't be so down. Now, let's go before we get late." Daichi said.

"And maybe ask Y/N out." Nishinoya said.

"Now now let's not push him. Let him start with baby steps." Ennoshita said.

"I know, why not try to impress her during match today." Tanaka said.

"What if we lose dummy?" Sugawara teased.

"Like hell that's gonna happen!" He responded.

"I think I'm gonna vomit..." Asahi muttered. He was scared you might lose interest after this match. But everyone knows that ain't gonna happen.

"You're lucky we're in the boys bathroom." Daichi said.

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