Rooster Head

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Credit to artist Rowchu

Everyone was asleep, except Ittetsu. He has to drive the bus. The rays of a shining golden ball reflected upon your dowsy face. You could feel the heat radiate on your closed eyes. You tried to resist, but soon began more lighter than before. You dare to oprn your eyes. You were blinded by the sunrise from outside the window. You wipe your eyes to fix your vision.

Letting out a small yawn, you turn to your side, only to see Keishin still asleep. He had his arms crossed and his legs spread. His hair was a bit messy, some strands standing out. You felt bad that you have to wake him. You thought Ittetsu might be tired from driving all night.

You poked your brother's cheek. You kept doing this for a long time, until he shifts amd hid eyes begin to flutter. He looks at you with thr most tired facr yet. "Huh? Y/N? What is it?" He asked, trying to get himself wide awake.

"Good morning asshole!" You whispered to him loudly. You made a sneaky grin at him. From a confused face, he gestured an annoyed mood by sighing.

"Why?" He whispers back.

"I just think its better if you drive the bus now. Ittetsu-san has been driving all night. He needs some rest." You whispered back. Keishin looks at you a bit shocked, but then smiles. He loves it when you're in your caring mood.

"Hey. Sensei, would you stop by a gasoline station?" Keishin asks. Ittetsu nods. You noticed how he was shaking, avoiding from losing his grip on the steer.

By the time Ittetsu-san parked thr bus at thr nearest gasoline station, Keishin said that you were to stay in your spot. You have no choice but to listen. He and Ittetsu-san left and enter the store to buy some drunks. Keishin probably gonna buy himslef some cigarettes.

You began to hear some grunts and moans from behind. You turned your head to see some of the boys waking up. The first one to actually open his eyes was Hinata.

He was clueless, scared, and puzzled. He looked through thr window and relaxes his shoulders. You guessed it was because he didn't know where we're at. He sees you looking at the team yawning. He reveals a huge tiring smile.

"Ohayo Y/N!" Hinata greeted you loudly. It startled the heavy sleepers. Tsukki showed no emotion, but you could clearly see his anger. The same goes with Kaegeyama, though he did reveal it.

"Hinata! Just why? Everyone was sleeping!" Kaegeyama loudly whispers.

"But's morning already..." Hinata points to the sun.

"Hm. Yeah, but not everyone is a morning person." Ennoshita said.

"Guys, some of us are trying to sleep." Daichi hushed everyone. You couldn't help but smile at these idiots. You have to deal with them now.

"Psst. Y/N?" Someone whispered from behind your seat. You looked behind you, to see who was trying to get your attention. It was none other than Tanaka.

"What?" You asked confused.

"This cute fluffy bear was under your seat. Is it yours?" He asked smirking.

"Yes. Thanks." You thanked before reaching for it, but Tanaka hold the bear closer to him.

"Where you got such cute teddy bear?" He asked. You knee he was about to tease you but you answered anyway.

"Asahi gave it to me." You answered with a pouty face.

"Awww,  isn't that sweet of him? So was the date great?" He asked.

"Date? There was no date. It was just a hangout. I invited Nishinoya and Asahi to hang with me. We went to the Cat Cafe and talk about crap. But that was it." You explained.

Asahi Azumane x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant