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Credit to artist noodlemanjpg from Tumblr

"ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP! ROAD TRIP!" Tanaka and Nishinoya kept cheering. 

"Calm down guys, Shirotorizawa is not so far from here." Daichi said.

"Remember, Hinata and Kageyama made it there by foot. The road trip won't be long." Ennoshita said.

"Oh right, and they even got lost." Yamaguchi said.

"PFFT- What were they even doing?" You asked.

"I have no clue." Narita said.

So all of you were now getting on the bus. You sat next to Asahi again. Your brother allowed it since he knows Asahi means no harm. But still has that overprotective vibe. Anyway, once you all got on, wearing your seatbelts, Asahi grabbed your hand and hold it gently. He was showing a lot of affection, and you love it. Everytime you saw each other, he would wave and smile, hug you, and hold hands publicly. It was really cute of him.

"Hey Tsukki. Are you going to show your new moves to that red-hair dude when we play?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Hm? Oh I don't know. I might keep them hidden until we play in an actual match." Tsukkishima said.

"Red-hair dude?" You wondered.

"Oh, its some creepy tall guy who teases us when we play." Kinnoshita explains. 

"A creepy tall guy? You know, almost every tall guy is creepy." You said.

"Obviously for you. You're so short." Tsukkishima mumbled.

"I heard that." You said.

"Then you have good hearing." He replied.

"You know, I hope that red guy actually crushes your ego." You insulted him.

"Dang Asahi, you might wanna control your girlfriend." Tsukkishima said to him. "Before I lose my control." 

"Now now, no need to get like that." Daichi told Tsukkishima. 

"Yeah, you can just sleep like you always do." Hinata said.

"For once, you migt actually be right." Tsukkishima said.

"Hey, what does that mean?!" Hinata said.

"It means you are dumb." Kageyama replied to him.

"Well so are you!" Hinata pointed at him.

"What did you say?!" Kageyama furiously glared at him.

"Oh boy, here we go." Asahi muttered.

"Yup....These two..." You added.

"P-please no f-fighting." Yachi begged.

"He started!" Kageyama said.

"WHAT?!" Hinata screamed in shock.

"That's enough. We have a few minutes left. So stop arguing and yelling and just relax. Shirotorizawa have one of the great players in the whole country. It's best if you take this time to calm your nerves." Takeda-san (Ittetsu) said. 

After he said that, everyone relaxed and stayed quiet. Especially Asahi. He was perhaps tensing too much. He looked real nervous. You used your other hand and put on top of the hand holding yours. He jolted once your hand touches his. He looks at you, with these beady eyes, reflecting anxiety and nerves. 

"Relax Teddy. Everything is going to be fine. I am sure you will win. There is nothing to fear." You whispered to him. 

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe. He keeps them close for a long time. You guessed he was taking a deep thought. 

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