The Volleyball Team

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I was getting ready to go to my big brother's volleyball team. He said I should go. Why? According to him, he hates leaving me behind working at the convienence store alone. Yup, my brother is Keishin Ukai. My brother is that blond, ear-piercing, tall cranky man. But hey, I love him.

Ever since I graduated from college at an early age, I decided to stay with my big bro. After all, he needs me.

Anyways, before closing the store, I grabbed some gummies and chips out of the aisle. Yeah, Keishin lets me. Like that, I left to the bus stop.

I was wearing a t-shirt, sweatpants, along with a pair of tennis shoes. I'm a lazy bean~ (A/N: That's my actual catch phrase lol)

I waited for the bus to come and text my bro that I'll be there. The bus came, and I finally got time to just chill. I decided to listen to music while I'm on the road. I put (my favorite song). Has an amazing beat. My bro says it's awful, but little did he know that I caught him singing it while mopping the store's floor. I even have it recorded. I'll blackmail him soon.

When I saw Karasuno High, I got off the bus and began to walk over to the gym. Before I could even get there, bumped myself into someone. "Oof, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I apologized.

"No no. That was on me. I should have looked where I was going-" he stopped, not finishing his sentence. I was confused, and look up to see his face. He was quite dashing. He had dark brown eyes, with hair bun, and he looked so big compare to me
How tall is he?

"Oh! Sorry. Let me help." He came back to reality, helding his hand for me to grab. Which I accepted. I thanked him as I stood up. "No problem- I mean, you're welcome..uh?" He stuttered. How cute! This big fella was being so sweet.

"Ok. I'll be heading now. Thanks again, ...uh?" I waited for him to say his name.

" name is Asahi Azumane."

"Well, bye Asahi. See ya!" I waved and began to run towards the gym. He stood still.

I was near the door when ,again, I bumped into someone. But not physically and strangeley. I know this man. It was Ittetsu. He always comes into the store. And while he was trying to convince my brother in coaching the volleyball team, he and I became friends.

"Oh! Y/N, you came! I gotta tell Coach Ukai! Wait, right here." He said. He was happy and couldn't wait to introduce me to them. I stayed, waiting for him to let me in.

I was still able to hear what everyone was saying in there:


"Huh? Wait what's going on?"

"Let's go."

"What's the matter coach?"

"We have a guest for today. I want you all to be respectful to her. Otherwise, you will face the consequences." Keishin sais in a scary tone.

Then the door opens. "You can come in." Ittetsu stated. I wqpk myself in the gym. The light adjusts as I get to see the team's faces.

"I want you all to meet my little sister: Y/N Ukai. She will be helping us for the rest of the year."

Everyone was staring at me with surprised faces. It made me uncomfortable but I understand why they are shock. My brother never mentioned about me to them.

"You have a sister?!" The ginger boy asked.

"Yup. And like I said, you must respect her at all time. If any of you do something to her, I'll sgow you no mercy." Keishin said.

"Chill Keishin. I'm not a baby anymore." I said.

"Are too! Especially when I'm around!" He talked back.

"Fine! Then I'll just start whining when I want something. You know, just like a baby!" You smirked.

"Like hell will I buy you stuff! Money doesn't grow on trees dipshit!"

"Technically, money is paper, and paper is made out of wood, and wood comes from trees. "

"Don't be acting so smarty now."

Everyone was obviously dumbfounded by our behavior. So we stopped.

"Only I am allowed to treat her like shit." Keishin stated.


"So anyways, she will helping me coach you all. She will check attendance, make sure the balls are picked up, and report any mishaps. When I'm not around, sje will be in charge of how you will practice. If she does anything stupid, you must tell me when I return." Keishin smirked at the end.

This motherfu-

"Um...sorry I came late...I was-" I turned around to see who it was. It was Asahi! I know I said 'See ya!' but I didn't think it would be this soon. This is a bit awkward.

"Uh...hi-" Asahi was about to wave at me. I can tell he also thinks its awkward. However, Keshin interupted him.

"Ah! Hello, Asahi. I want you to meet my sister, aka my new assistant, Y/N Ukai!" He said with glee.

Asahi face came from confused to shock. I'm guessing he never thought we were related. Who am I kidding? No one knows we are related in the first place. I mean, sure we look super different but that's only because we change.

"Talk about yourself peepsquek."

"Shut it!" I mumbled to Keishin.

"Ahem! Like you already know I am here in order to help qith my brother in whatever the team needs for it to win and improve its abilities of syncronize cooperation in efforts to complete a goal. In other words, I will be here to tell you all the ricks my grandpa has taught me when I was young. Yup, I used to play volleyball. I stopped after finding my own self and likings. But I will always remember how eager I was to see my brother's volleyball touraments. And how much I cheered for him. So niw I will do the same with all of you. So please, I hope I come to you all with all the trust I have in you. I have faith that you will all have a greater future."

My speech ended, and so was everything. All what's left was the sound of silence. The boys stared at me for 2 seconds. And then, a smiled formed on their faces.

"Yeah! We can do this!" They all yelled.

Phew. I thought I was sounding so cheesy.

"That was soooo cheesy~" Keishin muttered.

"I heard that butt-face!" I tensed up.

"Oops! My bad~" he smirked.

"I'm gonna kill you!" You yelled.

(A/N: Guys, I'm soooo sorry tgis was short. But I promise you I will make longer chapters. Also, I am working on my first fanfiction: Karamatsu x reader - Single Dad AU. I recommend you to check it out. But you don't have to. You can wait for more Asahi x reader. Just stay tune. Thank you and may God bless you <3)

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