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An emotional one!!!

A lot of you have said this so many times
"Do nice men like in the fictions exist"
And i always give you my honest opinion.

Yes they do but they all have bad days.

One such example of men that were raised right and how a healthy relationship looks,there is a couple by the name of Aileen and deven!!!

Go watch their tik tokk compilations on YouTube and see for yourself ,ek endangered species👇

A true gentleman !!!
Sidharth was standing there all uncomfortable and sana was so pale it looked like she just threw up.

She sat down and sidharth was the first one to speak.

"I wanted to say,i am so very sorry baby.I understand why you did what you did and it was wrong on my part to react so impulsively rather than listening to you first"

Sana-A....sidharth...I will be honest with you.I am sorry for being so fucking messed up in the head and not knowing how to voice my words better.I know i should try harder but it just is so hard for me sometimes.

Its hard because there are still things you don't know and i just i feel you will change once i reveal them to you.

So i dare not go too deep into feelings,its very painful.Its painful even when it feels nice, i don't wanna know how will it feel when you won't be there or decide to walk away from me.

I love you so much and its because i love you that i think i don't deserve you.

Sid-That is true.

Sana looked at him with vague eyes and so many questions as soon he said that.

Sid-You deserve better sweetheart,i am just doing the best i can and sometimes it just backfires.

Sana smiled through her teary wet eyes and his heart felt a little lighter.

Sana-You have been really kind to me sidharth and i appreciate you so much for that but i swear everytime we take a step forward and i feel myself slipping off the edge a bit more and i get worried.
It was never about the image,it was about how i am cursed and there is no relationship that i could possibly continue for a long time.

I just..i wanted to be the one to tell people about us because i wanted to feel some control over my heart and our lives ofcourse because when i am with you,its very overpowering.

Sid-In what way sana??I want to know.

Sana made him sit down next to her and said

"Sidharth...we are very different people"

Sid-Are we???


Sid-I mean hear me out on this okay.
Yes we have lived different lives and yes i don't know what you are made of but aren't we both bad at this???

I mean i am an over possessive impulsive ass and you are as closed as they come but we are in love sana.We are exactly the same perhaps not in a romantic way but in a damaged way.

We both think we don't deserve happiness.

Sana was saying nothing. That actually made a lot of sense.

Sid-I know its not easy being expressive all of a sudden but you need to stop living in fear of us breaking up sana.
Because the only way i am leaving is if you make me.

No screw that,i am not leaving at all.

She smiled finally.

Sana-I think i need to tell you the truth before we make our first appearance together as a couple.

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