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Guess what. I didn't control it again😂


On the next morning I woke by some weird noises. I opend my eyes and saw that Perrie was already awake. She was sitting on the floor looking out of the big window in my room.
It was still dark outside so it wasn't really morning. But why was she sitting on the floor?
"Pez?", Immediately she looked at me.
And hummed as a risponde. "What are you doing down there?"
"Nothing, did I wake you up?", she looked at me.
Well actually she did. "Uhm.. No.. Yes you that. But that's not important. What's wrong?", I asked. She looked down and then up again. "I... I don't know. I'm just worried". I didn't have to ask her about what she was worrying. I already knew about what it was. "Pez, come here next to me", I said and patted next to me.
She sighed and took the place next to to me. I pulled her in my arms and stroke through her hair. "I know what's your mind. And I really feel the same", I said. She looked into my eyes. "You do?" "Of course I do. I literally had no sleep when you were in coma. So I started to drink which let me... forget... So I could sleep", the word 'forget' I whispered. "But we don't do that anymore. It was something stupid. And I'll never do it again. And you and me have each other now. We are here for each other. Next time you can't sleep wake me up".
The blonde girl just looked at me with some tears in her eyes and hugged me tighter. "I love you" "I love you too. And now, try to sleep". Perrie nodded and lie down again. She gapped me by my waist and pulled me closer to her. I know all she needed was cuddling. It's typical. When she is sad someone needs to cuddle her during she sleeps. "I hope you don't mind that", she looked at me with big eyes.
"Of course not. Come here", I pulled her in my arms. I was holding her and she was holding me. "Good night", she whispered have asleep. I smiled light. "Good night." and with that I drove of.

"Jadeyyy! You have to wake up. Something good happend!", I heard the blonde girl saying. I opend my eyes and looked annoyed at her. She was smiling like a child who just got told that it is allowed to eat all of the sweets. "What?", I asked still have asleep. "Leigh is awake."
My eyes shot opend and I was awake immediately. "She is awake", I said. I felt some in my eyes. Perrie nodded also almost crying. "Let's get ready and go to her!", I screamed happily and stood up. As fast as we could we got dressed and head out of the house. But before we entered her room and doctor came to us. "You're the bandmates of Miss Pinnock and Miss Nelson right?", He said looking at us. He was quite tall much taller than me and Pez. Ok it wasn't hard being taller than. He was also quite young. I never saw him here before. "Yeah we are", Perrie said. "Follow me", he said.
We did as we got told. "Before we go in. She might not know who you are. She forgot much. But maybe you can do something", without letting us answer he opened the door and let us in. There was a awake Leigh who was lying in the bed looking around the room. Then she looked at me. Quite confused. Perrie gave me a worried look. The doctor went to Leigh. "Miss you remember who these women are?", he asked. She shock her head. "I have no idea". A single tear rolled down my cheek. She forgot us. I felt Perrie's arms around me and her head leaning against me. I hugged her back. "I let you alone now, if there are any problems call me or a nurse", he said and left.
With Perrie in my arms I walked to Leigh's bed. "Leigh? D-do you not remember us?"
She shock her head. "No I'm sorry".
She was upset about it.
"We're your bandmates", Perrie said or more whimpered. "And also best friends", I had to add.
She looked at us pointless. "I'm in a band?", she asked getting more interest. We nodded. "That's pretty cool", she smiled. Perrie and I changed a look. I saw her eyes where getting watery again. I pulled her in a hug again. "You really don't remember us?", I asked her again.
She shock her heah sadly. Yeah she was sad. Sad that she can't remember us. It broke my heart. We've been through so many things together as a four but now she forgot who we are.
I felt how my shoulder was getting wet. I stroke her back trying to comfort her. "What are you're names by the way?", she asked. "I'm Jade and this Perrie", I said and pointed at Perrie when I said her name.
Leigh nodded again. "I'm sorry that I don't remember you", she looked down sadly. "It's ok hun. It's not your fault. And maybe you will remember everything again...", I was unsure about that. Maybe she will never know how we are again.

We spend other 15 minutes in Leigh's room talking to her. And telling her things from the last 9 years.
At the end of it we decided to go to Jesy's room. She still was in coma. And I had the feeling she will probably never wake up. For real now.
We closed the door behind us. I was still holding Perrie in my arm. I really didn't know that she could be that sad. I've seen her sad before but so sad never. It must hurt her seeing the others like that. I mean me hurt it too. But I actually to live with it.
I took a seat next to Jesy's bed and Perrie sitting down on my lap. "Is it OK if I seat here?", she asked. "Of course. I don't mind", I smiled. She nodded and we both looked at Jesy again. Perrie took her hand in hers.
"Please wake up", she whimpered and kissed the top of her hand.

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