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Jade's POV

We were in the bus. I was sleeping like the other girls. I heard a shot. I quickly opend my eyes and watched of the window. Suddenly the others were next to me. We looked shocked out of the window.

"What was that?", Leigh asked worried.

"There was nothing", Jesy said trying to calm us down
Her motherside again

We lie down again and tried to sleep. Well I  didn't fall asleep. Like the others. My eyes were opend and I was scared. The bus stopped. I started to panic and to scream. The girls woke up tried to calm me down. Perrie looked out of the window to look what happens outside. And then it happend. Someone shut through the window and it landed in Perrie's left arm. She started to scream and to bleeding badly. We calmed her down and Jesy called an ambulance. During that I ran to the busdriver to tell him he should continue driving. But when I came he was dead. I panicked and ran back to the girls but they weren't there anymore. With tears in my eyes I left the bus. Outside of it there were people screaming and dead body's were on the ground. And shuts I heard everywhere. I was sure it was a terror attack. I saw the girls laying on the ground covered with blood and lots of wounds in on their body's. I ran to them and tell kneeled.

"Girls" I said

No response.

"Girls.... Please", I said and rubbed them softly.

I cried more when I got a shut in my back. And fell next to the girls in the floor. And everything became black.

Some hours later

I open my eyes and saw Jed who hold my hand and on the left side was my mum. No what's happening. I couldn't say anything. At first I didn't remember anything. The only thing I remember was the shut in Perrie's arm. "Oh she is awake", a doctor said. My mum and Jed were smiling at me. "Say something, love", Jed said. I couldn't. I tried that but couldn't. "Yes maybe she can't speak. But she will do it later. She will be able to speak again. I have to go now. Her bandmates are waiting",the doctor said and left. I looked after him. And tried to scream. I wanted to see them to know if they are alive. I wanted to stay up but my mum stopped me. "No you have to stay here", she told me.

But I don't want to. I want to see if they my friends are alive. I'm not important. They are. I live and maybe they not.

I mumbled something. Which was maybe funny because Jed loughed.

You on understand I want to see them now

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