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After I get the doctor they send me home because they needed to make some checks on Perrie. I told I would come the next day for sure and with that I left the hospital. First time a bit happier. Of course my other bandmates are still coma. But if Perrie was awake I could tell that other two will wake up too. It just makes me sad that Jesy never squeezed my hand before and Leigh did that already so often. I mean we had a hole conversation with this squeezing.
At home I felt in my bed. I was tired in the same minute I fell in bed I also fell asleep. Some school girls or boys are probably jealous now because this thing never happend to them. Well... To be honest same. It was just that one day.
I dreamed how me and the girls made a sleepover together with lots of delicious food, alcohol, movies and of course lots of loughing at the end of this dream we all cozy in my bed. So when I woke up the next morning I was confused that there wasn't anyone. Then I realised it was dream. I sighed loud and pulled the bedsheets away. It probably wasn't a good idea to sleep with my clothes. I felt discusting.
I jumped into the shower and dressed myself. Then I head out of the house to visit the girls and  now awake Perrie.
I entered their room. To my surprise she still was in the same room. Maybe she wanted to be that.
"Hey Pez", I smiled and sat down on the chair next to her.
"Hey Jadey", she yawned.
"You're alright?", I asked her. It was strange talking to her. I was kinda shy. It was like she was a new person.
"Yeah, still a bit week. But the doctors say that is normal', she shrugged. I nodded.
"What about you?", she asked.
"I'm good" she raised an eyebrow.
"Jade, I heard everything you said. You can't tell me that you're good" at this point I blushed. "You did?" she nodded.
"And it's fine. I'll help with it when I'm better ok?" I just nodded an looked down. "I missed you. Do you know that?", I asked. She nodded. "I missed you too", she smiled lightly.

One week later Perrie could leave the hospital. She decided that she wants to live with me during this hard time and also so she could see if I eat or drink and stop me.
Currently I was sitting on my couch watching some TV. When someone jumped on me. I moaned loud in pain and saw a smiling Perrie on top of me. "Uhm... What's up?", I asked her confused. "Let's make a girly night. Just you, me and a lot of food", Of course food was the only thing what made her happy and this situation I knew she would start eating like an lion who hadn't eat in 2 weeks. Actually she always did that. It doesn't matter if it was a bad situation or not.
"So, what do you think?", she asked when and I realised that I didn't answer her yet. "Yeah of course", I smiled.
"Yess!", she stood up and ran into the kitchen. I looked after and looked the at the TV again.
Some minutes later she came again.
"So hun, I ordered 4 Pizza's"
"Babe, we are 2!" I shouted.
She made an 'o' shape with her mouth.
"Well... I guess this was...uhm",she stuttered.
"A habit?" I looked at her. She nodded with watery eyes. Immediately I stood up and pulled her into a hug. She rested her head on my shoulder and cried loud in this. I really tried to control myself not to cry with her which was hard.
I rubbed her back to comfort her.
"Jade...W-who if t-they d-don't wake u-up", she looked at me. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. I stroke them away and let my hands on her cheeks. "Listen, I always said that to me too. But now that you're awake I'm sure that the others will wake up too. Ok? ", I asked and she nodded. I kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug again. "But what do we do with the other 2 Pizzas?", I chuckled a bit. "I don't know. Let's eat then tomorrow", she nodded with a smile.
Some minutes later we were sitting on the sofa together snuggling like always. Actually we also did this when we were with the other girls so it was a bit weird just the two of us.
In front of TV we also ate the Pizza and then at around midnight I heard snoring. I looked at my shoulder and saw a sleeping Perrie. I smiled lightly and put my arm away. I lifted her up. Yeah and now the hole Jerrie shipper out there. We aren't dating she is just my best friend.
I lie her then down in my bed and lie down next to her. Immediately she came closer. "Jade, please don't leave me. I need you", she said half asleep and buried her head in my shoulder. "I don't leave you... Good night", I smiled. "Good night".
I put the covers over us and after that I drove into a good sleep.

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