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Dedicated to Asmau_az

I sighed for the umpteenth time after taking a quick glance at the watch on my wrist. It was twenty five minutes past four, I had been waiting for almost forty minutes and she wasn't here yet.

"Anna, are you sure she's coming?" I stood from the chair, putting a hand on my hip.

She nodded, "yes. Zara assured me." She bit her lip before adding, "calm down. They'll be here soon."

Sighing again, I sat on the chair and busied myself with the words on the board. Mr Nwosu was a note writer, such teachers gave the longest note even when it was very unnecessary.

Daniel was upset with me. I really couldn't explain the reason for my mood swing in class earlier today. It just happened and I apologized.

Despite my pleas, he was still angry. Even when I sent a letter teasing him about making out at the river, he tore it staring directly at me from his seat. He was mad and so was I. I grew upset and hissed loudly.

"Don't you think we should tell someone about it?"

The crease which appeared on my forehead prompted her to speak further. "I mean the-," she whispered, pointing at my stomach,"-the baby."

My stomach growled at this moment. I reached for my bag on another chair and pulled out the packet of chips in it. "We're telling Seun."

"An adult." She said then added, "who would know what to do."

"Seun could know what to do." I opened the chips and threw one into my mouth at once.

"What is she doing here?" Seun fired at Zara as soon as they entered into the classroom.

I stood from the chair immediately sighting them and dropped the packet of chips carefully on the chair.

"Seun," I called but got a glare in return.

"Zara, leave the door!" Seun yelled at Zara who was standing at the doorway trying to stop her from leaving.

"Seun please. Just hear us out." Anna begged, running to Seun in front of the class. "Seun please wait."

"I can't stay in the same class with Tobi. She irritates me." Leaning on the wall, Seun crossed her arms, tapping a foot repeatedly on the tiled floor of our class.

The glare on her face was unmoving and I was sure she had made up her mind. She wasn't ready or going to listen to me. Nevertheless, I was going to tell her. "I'm pregnant."

She laughed, the vicious look on her face vanishing. "That lie isn't going to keep me here. What other lies do you have in your jar to keep me here?"

"Seun, I'm pregnant." I reiterated, my face stoic and expressionless.

She laughed again, louder. Seeing the serious looks on the rest of the girls faces she dropped her bag on a desk in front of us.

"Zara?" Seun called, Zara nodded moving from the doorway to sit on a chair. "How?"

The growling of my stomach sent me to the chair I was sitting before Seun and Zara walked in. I picked the chips on the chair then sat.

"What exactly happened?" Seun asked.

"Daniel happened."

I rolled my eyes at Zara's statement, sitting with a slouch.

"He raped you?" An eyebrow was raised as she took slow steps towards us with her school bag.

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