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Dedicated to Teefabulous. You're allowed to flog me... lol.

In a tight grasp, Daniel held my hand. Our heads averted to the left side of the road where the oncoming vehicles sped past. We turned our heads to the right side of the road. Vehicles still sped past hence, we stood still.

We waited a few more minutes before the road was clear of any vehicle then we ran across the road.

"We should totally get back at Anna and Wale." I started as we approached a huge gate just after crossing the road.

He released my hand from his grasp. "You're right. Especially Wale."

"In a way they helped us, you know? If not for them setting us up we wouldn't have reconciled."

"That's very true. But they still need to suffer for it." He took out his phone from his pocket after hearing a buzz from it. "I have an idea." He told me, eyes concentrated on his phone despite being on the road.

I was following Daniel's steps since I didn't know the route to his house. Uncle Henry had to travel to his home town due to personal reasons. His mother was also unavailable. She had some important business to attend to. Daniel was left with no other option but to go home himself. And it was his first time going home alone since he joined International Scholars High.

He pleaded with me to accompany him to his house. At first, I was reluctant but there was no harm in it. I would make it home before it was four PM.

We were approaching a very huge gate. The environ of the gate was serene and beautiful. Flowers were embellished round both sides of the gate. One side was probably for vehicles coming into the estate and the other for vehicles going out. Above the gate was a sign of the name of the estate; Crystal Estate.

"Good afternoon sir." Daniel greeted the security personnel seated on a white plastic chair. I also genuflected as a sign of respect.

"Small soldier!" The man replied Daniel. "How are you?"

"I'm fine sir." Daniel responded, a smile on his face. Awkwardly, I stood behind Daniel and the security man whilst they conversed.

While Daniel and the security man discussed, my eyes skimmed through the estate's gate. Through the gates, I was able to see the road. It ran so smooth without any potholes unlike the roads in my vicinity. There were also flowers around too.

"Who is that girl?" I heard the security man ask. I turned my head down to look at the pink sandals I had worn on my feet pretending not to listen to their conversation.

"She's just my classmate. She came over to work on an assignment." .

"Okay o." The reply of the security man came off like he didn't believe Daniel's lie. Daniel called me over, I greeted the man once more and we both entered into the estate.

I was marvelled at the beauty of the estate. Surulere and Lekki were very different places and it was very obvious. I would even say the air here was different. And it was partly true, they didn't have smoke fumes from printing houses, rickety cars which coughed out smoke and many other forms of air pollution to contend with. The beautiful mansions which I had only seen in movies prior to now stood magnificent in all their glory.

Daniel and I walked on the pavement making our way to his house which he said was just minutes away.

"This estate is beautiful."

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