Chapter 44

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Everything was packed and ready to go in the bed of Jax's truck and Paul's trunk.  Jenna, and Lena sat with Kelly in the stands, with their fingers crossed for the win.  They knew if the boys lost they would be miserable all weekend.  The girls had been getting along well with Kelly but they both still thought it was too soon in the friendship to bring her along on an overnight camping trip, especially with their boyfriends in adjacent tents.

The guys won, after they were showered and tracked down the girls, it was well past dark. They drove the 45 minutes to the camping spot and parked their vehicles.  The guys reached in the cooler and pulled out beers.  Lena and Jenna stood there arms crossed staring at the boys.  "You can't be serious?  Stop drinking before you all are too worthless to put up the tents."  Lena yelled.

"Come on baby.  We just won a game.  Give us a second to kick back."  Jax leaned over to Lena and attempted to plant a kiss on her lips.

She quickly put her hand up and he ended up kissing her palm.  "How about we compromise?  You guys put up Jenna and I's tent now and then you can drink as many beers as you want before you put up yours."

"What do you mean yours and Jenna's?"  Ben questioned.  "Jenna is in my tent."

Jenna stepped up to Ben and wrapped her arms around him.  "Benny I love you but I am sleeping in a tent.  So if there is only one tent, well then you guys are sleeping in Paul's car."

"Or the ground.  Whichever you choose."  Lena smirked.

"You know this is why we are better off without girlfriends."  Paul nudged Joe.

Lena clearly heard Paul's comment and directed her own comment at him.  "You know when the two of you are spooning later I'll be sure to remind you that you don't need a girlfriend."

"Hmm.  Paul, when we are spooning later do you want to be the innie or the outie?"  Joe questioned.

Paul stood there acting as if he were actually pondering they question.  Before he could even get out his answer everyone else pitched in.  "Outie."

Everyone stood there laughing.  Before the guys could get too comfortable though Lena was back on Jax to set up the tent.  The guys went over to their vehicles and turned on the headlights towards the campsite.  Ben and Joe were starting a fire and Paul and Jax were putting together the tents.  Jenna and Lena proceeded to get two stadium chairs out of the truck and supervised the guys.

Before long there was a roaring fire with chairs around it.  The guys were drinking and reliving their football glories while Jenna and Lena talked about nothing important.

Lena walked over to the picnic table and pulled a bottle of rum out of her backpack and she searched the bags of food for some juice.  She laid out two red solo cups and poured the juice in.  She topped it off with rum and handed a cup to Jenna.  Jenna took the cup and sipped it.  Ben and Joe finished the fire and came over to the picnic table.  Ben pulled out another beer from the cooler and Joe fished around for some hot dogs.

Lena looked at Joe disgusted.  "You are going to eat now?"

Joe didn't stop what he was doing before responding, "if I can find the damn dogs I am."

"It's like 11:30.  You shouldn't eat this late.  It'll go right to your hips."  Lena exclaimed.

This caused Joe to stop rummaging in the cooler.  He lifted his head and looked at Lena.  "I think I'll be okay."  He spoke it slow, like she wouldn't understand what he was saying otherwise.

Lena looked him up and down.  "I don't know...those pants seem a little tighter than they were last week."  Lena smirked obviously thinking she got the best of him.

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