Chapter 38

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By lunchtime the whole school knew the story.  Well Kelly’s version of it anyway.  In Kelly’s version she had stumbled upon Lena and Jenna in the bathroom with a pregnancy test on the counter.  In Kelly’s story neither Jenna nor Lena would fess up to who it belonged to.

Jenna and Lena were sitting at their table in the lunchroom waiting for the boys to join them.  Jenna grinned at Lena.  “You have to admit though that it is pretty diabolical how she killed two birds with one pregnancy test.”

Lena just shook her head.  “I told you we should have just left.  I don’t know why you are always out to help people but some people just don’t deserve it.”

“Lena that’s not a nice thing to say.  Everybody deserves help if they need it.  Although Kelly really is testing my theory.”  Jenna took a bite of her soggy fries.

Jax and Ben headed towards the table and sat down.  Paul and Joe right behind them.  “So somebody please tell me what’s going on here.”  Jax reached out and took Lena’s hand.  Jenna looked at Lena and hesitated.  Lena spoke first.  “Jenna she started it, that voids the promise.”

Jenna shook her head in agreement.  “We saw Kelly in the bathroom this morning she was crying and she had a pregnancy test.  She is the one who is pregnant.  We promised to help her and not to tell anyone.  I’m not exactly sure why she spread the other rumor around.”

“Because she is a moron.”  Lena piped right in there.  “I mean what kind of pregnant moron spreads rumors about people being pregnant.  Doesn’t she think that people will put two and two together?  She is going to look like a complete idiot.  Well more so than she already does now.”

Paul spoke up.  “Two and two is probably too advanced for Kelly.”

“So who is the father?”  Joe asked.

Lena piped up.  “Like she knows.”

“Ben you should probably do the math here kid.  Weren’t you with her this summer?”  Paul tossed a fry at Ben.

“Trust me it’s not mine.  If she thought it were mine believe me, she would’ve already told me.  And that’s not even funny.”  Ben reached out and grabbed Jenna’s hand.

“So neither of you is pregnant.”  Jax asked looking relieved.

Jenna spoke up.  “I’m not sure about Lena but I’m definitely not pregnant.  I’m on the shot.”

Ben’s eyes lit up.  “You’re on the what?”  He lowered his voice so only the people sitting at their table could hear him.  “If you can’t get pregnant than why do I have to wear condoms?”

Paul immediately put up his hands.  “Come on man.  What was our agreement?  That’s my cousin man.  You don’t talk about it and I don’t kick your ass about it.”

Ben turned to Paul and said calmly.  “You brought up my sex life first.  You opened the door.”

Jenna turned to Ben.  “You have been with half the county, that’s why you have to wrap it up.  Everytime.”

“Seriously guys I’m going to throw up.”  Paul sat there looking as if he were ready to flee.

Jax looked back to Lena.  “But you aren’t either right?”

Lena shook her head.  “I’m on the pill.”  And before Jax could ask why then he too needed to wear protection she added, “you’re a slut too.  So don’t even ask.”

Joe shook his head.  “Well now that we know all of your pregnancy prevention preferences can we talk about something else?”  He made a gagging face.  “The thought of Kelly’s girl bits is making me nauseas.” 

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