Chapter 42

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"You are clinically insane.  She has tortured you since the minute you got here and now you want to hang out with her.  Wait let me rephrase that, you want me to hang out with her.  Ben you need to talk some sense into your girlfriend."  Lena was standing in the middle of the hall.  The last bell of the day rang and Lena and Jenna were arguing as the guys looked on.

Ben held up his hands in defeat.  "Lena, have you met my girlfriend.  She does what she wants."  Ben leaned down and kissed Jenna on the lips.  As he pulled away he added, "and that's the way I like her."

Lena glared at Ben.  "Really?  So you are fine with her hanging out with some psycho chick you used to sleep with, who isn't over you?"

Ben's smile faded as he seemed to be pondering the situation in a whole new light.  "Well..."

Lena added, "And you don't think that maybe Kelly's whole 'I need a friend act' is really just an 'I'm going to break up Jenna and Ben by infiltrating the relationship.'  You know she is just that crazy."

"Not to mention manipulative."  Jax added in.

Ben turned to Jenna.  "You know it is possible."

"I would say more like probable."  Jax again chimed in.  Jenna gave him the look of death and he instead looked down to the ground.

Jenna put her hands on her hips.  "Look Lena maybe you are right but if she is faking it, it's only to hurt me and I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.  Let's just go and give it a shot.  If you are right you can throw it in my face later."

Lena took a deep breath.  "Fine I will go with you.  But if she gives me attitude I'm going to kick her ass.  I don't care if she is knocked up."

Jenna glanced around to see who all was in hearing range.  "Hello, that's still supposed to be a secret."

Lena rolled her eyes.  "Yeah, because your new bestie threw us under the pregnant bus to deflect attention from herself."  Lena looked completely blindsided.  "Not even a month ago she was posting naked pictures of you on her facebook page and now you want to be her bff.  I don't understand Jenna."  Jenna could see it on Lena’s face.  Lena was afraid Jenna was going to replace her with Kelly.  "I mean am I completely insane?"  Lena looked from Ben to Jax trying to get someone to back her up.

"Lena I'm not trying to be her bff.  You will always be my best friend, I just think that we should give her a chance.  I know you and her have a history but I think that she just needs someone to give her a break.  I know more than anyone that sometimes you just need to get someone to give you a chance."  Jenna reached out and tugged on Lena's hand getting her to pay attention to what she was saying.  "My being friends with her doesn't make me not friends with you."  Jenna smacked Lena in the arm.  "Who knows maybe we will be like that movie the three musketeers?"

 "Seriously?  The three musketeers.  It would be more like Mean Girls."  Lena scoffed.  "Whatever, fine, but she isn't going camping with us this weekend though."  Both Jax and Ben looked at Jenna waiting for her response to that.

"Well duh.  I may be nice but I'm not stupid enough to invite a horny preggo who is obsessed with my boyfriend to an overnight camping trip."  Jenna joked.

Once again as the instigator that he is Jax jumped in.  "You know if you brought her we could probably get Joe laid.  And bonus, no chance of him getting her pregnant."

Ben gagged.  "I am pretty sure he deserves better."

Jenna pushed Ben down the hall.  "Don't you have practice to get to?"

Jax grabbed his and Ben's backpacks and leaned into Lena for a kiss.  "Goodluck," he shouted over his shoulder as he followed Ben towards the locker room.

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