Chapter 48

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            “Whatever.  I am eating a sandwich and you can eat all the fish you want.”  Jenna was beginning to see that the sandwich toaster was the best invention so far.  Even though she herself ate fish this would keep her friend occupied for a while.

            Joe grabbed the fish down next to Lena’s bread and cheese that she was preparing to grill.  He started spreading out some newspaper over the table.  Lena looked at Joe as if she was going to gut him if he started gutting them.  Joe seeing the look and understanding its implications responded pro-actively.  “I have newspaper.”  Somewhere in his head Joe thought that would be enough.  Jax, Paul, and Ben groaned.  They already knew that was the wrong move.

            “I didn’t know fish could read.  Because there would be no other acceptable reason for you to be putting that newspaper down.”  She was daring him to continue.

            “Come on Lena.  I’m not expecting you to eat the fish but you can’t expect that you can prevent the rest of us from it.”  Joe sounded less confidant now.  Dori and Lyndsay although new to the group seemed to immediately pick up that Joe should clearly understand by now that he was fighting with a proverbial fire.

            “I’m not attempting to prevent you from eating it.  Or even gut it,” she said sweetly, “just here.”  She motioned not only to the picnic table but also to the campsite and surrounding areas.”  “I’m sure there is a picnic table you can do that at down by the river.” 

Joe looked at Lena as if she now just hit a level of crazy but knew better than to call her out on it.  “Lena what are we supposed to eat then.  You can’t possibly have enough food in there to make sandwiches. 

Lena accepted that challenge and bent over to pull out another whole pound of American cheese.  “Joe, Joe, Joe.”  She said with pity.

            Changing tactics.  “Lena come on.  You like animals, you couldn’t possibly want to have their deaths in vain.  And you aren’t a vegetarian either so don’t even go there.”  Ben and Paul impressed with his new position, now seemed to back Joe.

            “Honey I’m not against you eating or even gutting the things.  Like I said just not here.  There has to be a bathroom available.  The smells will be comparable as well.”

            Joe clearly realizing he was losing ground called in for reinforcements.  “Jax this is either happening here or on the bed of your truck.  Your choice.” 

Jax clearly knew it was the battle of the wills and there was no real win here.  “Babe, how about you let Joe prepare dinner here and we go for a walk on the beach.”

Lena realized it was a dead deal.  “You know what, I can compromise.  Joe can do it on the back of your truck.”  She smiled decisively. 

Jax counter offered.  “How about if you let the rest of us eat without making the prep happen in the bathroom, I will take you out to eat wherever you want and pick whatever movie you want when we get home.”  It was a risk.  Not for what he was offering but by adding the guilt factor in.  If she didn’t bite he was out of ammo.

Lena put her hands on her hips.  This was a good sign she was open for discussion and negotiations.  “I can get that from you just by withholding sex.”

“You know withholding goes both ways.”  Jax’s immediate response showed he had prepared for this, although Lena didn’t bite.  “You know those earrings you were looking at…”

“Fine!”  That was the winning ticket.  “You can gut your stupid fish.  Jax and I are going for a walk to hammer out these earring details.  We will be gone for 25 minutes.  The blood and guts better be gone offsite by the time we get back.” 

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