I felt helpless in the cold brittle winter, helpless because my wolf couldn't understand me.

I dropped to my knees in the snow and quietly started to sob into my gloved hands. The meat sprawled out in front of me in all different directions. 

I stayed like that crying for my wolf for what felt like hours, but I think was only a few minutes.

I quickly started to feel the bitter chill of winter biting through my coat and nipping at my tear stricken face.

The moment I started to shiver and my teeth start to chatter, I heard my wolf slowly pad over to me in the snow.
He stood behind me blocking the crippling wind from both directions by having his hind legs on the right side of my body, and his front legs on the left side of me.

His gesture immediately warmed me from the inside out and in no time ceased crying and shivering.

We sat like this for a while, before I decided to try something risky.

I laid my head in the crook of his neck, right under his ears.

His body stiffened and became deathly still for a few moments. But he soon relaxed and leaned into my embrace.
I sighed as I thought how wonderful it felt to be near my wolf.

Laying against his side, breathing in his woodsy wolf scent. I inhaled deeply commiting his smell to memory, so I would never forget.

I then remember why I was out here in the first place.

I bent down to pick up the meat that was sprawled around us.

I took the largest piece of steak and brought it up to his nose and shook it violently.

"Please! Please eat!" I begged him.
he hesitated a moment, but eventually took it into his mouth and quickly finished it.

When he finished it I grabbed another one and made him eat a second piece.
When he finished he licked his paws clean.

He started knawing at one of the steak bones that he had already eaten. I thought he was making sure he ate every piece of meat on the bone, until I noticed him using his claws to scrape at the bone and break pieces of it off.
I began to watch him now, I was fully engulfed by his movements. I couldn't look away. I had no idea what he could be doing with that bone. 

Eventually he seemed satisfied with his work and nudged my hand with his nose.

I opened my palm and was surprised to see him drop what was left of the bone into my hand.

It didn't even resemble them original T-bone from before.

He had somehow carved the bone into a beautiful curved heart shape, with a small hole in the center.

I looked down in awe. It was now a small heart shaped pedant.

I couldn't belive this wolf, my wolf, had just created this beautiful charm out of a bone that just had his dinner on it.

I was in shock. No human had ever made me something so speacial.

Especially not a boy.

I stared at his crystal clear blue eyes until I felt lost; and found at the same time.

I knew this wolf, my wolf, cared about me, thought I was special.

And I knew he was special, no regular wolf would carve a charm out of bone for a human or even another wolf for that matter if they weren't special to them.

threw my arms around my wolf's neck and buried my face in his fur. I inhaled deeply to make sure I would remember his scent and the way his fur felt on my face and neck forever.
His coat was glossy and slightly coarse and rough on the top layer, but as I buried my face deeper I could feel the soft downy fur that was underneath. Smooth and silky, hiding underneath.

His scent was a mix of pine and dirt and cold.

I would never forget.

I held onto him for a long time, and he let me.


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