A Conducive Companion

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In the midst of daylight,every citizen of Adventure Bay has gathered at the center of town to spectate the Paw Patrol's live theater play,King Arthur and The Knights Of The Round Table.After rescuing Captain Turbo't from being trapped under a pillar wall,everyome howls in excitement until a disturbing cough was heard from a certain pup.Ryder,beggining to worry,asked their EMT pup to check at the cougjing shepherd whether something's wrong,"Wow,two patients in one day,''he said,walking towards the sheppers,

"Oh-oh,you've caught a fever,"he stated as the thermometer has rise at a certain level,"Cough for me,"he added,putting his aw at the shepherd's chest,

"Chase,you got a cold,and you're loosing your voice!No play for you pal!"he explained,sternly,and worried,making the shepperd all flustered up,"But..but.."

"You need lots of rest and liquids!"


In several seconds the Mayor had made her way towards the scene,concern was in her face,"Oh my stars...I mean..my STAR.Oh the show,how can we put on a play starring King Arthur with no Arthur!!"she explained,

Ryder started to rub his chin,"Maybe..one of the pups can fill in for Chase,"offered the boy,making Chase more flustered,"But..but..but.."again,he wasn't able to finish his statement,

"Wonderful idea...ehh..Marshall,"she pointed,this time,it was now the dal's turn to be all flustered up,turning his head towards the Mayor,


"You can save the show for everyone,"


"You know all the words...and you're the only other pup that the crown fit,hehe,"

Marshall began to slowly walk backwards,stopping himself as his back touched the wall,"But...but...but...I only know how to be a knight."he protested,surpising himself at the sudden cluck of the chicken,

"Chase said you help him learn all his lines,"added the boy making the dal develop small scarlet hues,

"Did Chase really had to tell Ryder about that?!"he thought,mentally shouting at himself,

"Come on Marshall,you can do it,"added Rubble,making the others agree at his idea,

Chase's expression soon changed into a sweet one,showing a small and gentle smile at the dal,"Yeah....for..me,*cough*.."

Little did they know,was that the dal was silently heating up on the inside at the statement of the shepperd,making his heart beat faster.The bot walked towards the shepperd,"Chase,you better get home and rest.Katie can take care of you,"he assured,


And so,the shepherd was carefully taken home by the blond girl,putting him on their lookout lobby,where the big T.V. screen was placed on top of the wall,Chase silently grunted,followed by small coughs,"Can't..even..watch the.. play,"he said,Katie slowly moved at his side,covering him with his blanket,"Don't worry Chase,Ryder has a plan,"she said.

As the citizen clap in applause,the Mayor making her introduction,"Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the show....."she said,as Ryder called on Chase,making him see the play through his pup pad,

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