
After walking purposelesly around the living room, I take the route that leads to Jeonghan's room. His room is dark like the rest of the house. But I can see everything, as if I've gained supernatural strength to see in the dark. His room speaks the words that I've had on my mind.

He's living like a shit.

Every single thing here is disoriented; starting from his closet, his dressing table, his desk, to his bed and everything else that's filling the gaps inside this room. This untidiness is nearly making me dizzy.

When will he ever learn to organize his room? He should take triple lessons a day from Joshua. Joshua's room is like a five star hotel.

My momentary privacy inside his room gets invaded by a bunch of footsteps, following with indistinct whispers. I stay immobile on my ground as I hear them speaking.

"A ghost? Hah that's ridiculous."

"I'm telling you for the 133th time that it's a ghost. I saw Miyeon's ghost with my own two eyes in the living room, holding a box of cheerios in her hand. I'M NOT LYING. I SWEAR HYUNG."

"Can anyone in this room tell me why the heck are we all whispering?"

"You sure it wasn't a delusion? I think you hallucinated because lately you've been watching alot of horror movies."

"I'm 1000000 percent sure that I didn't hallucinate. ShhusHHhh guys quite it down, I think she can hear us. I literally feel her ears against the walls, eavesdropping."

Their sense of reality is on a different level and beyond my capability of relating. I can't anymore, I'm so done.

Unintentionally, I blurt out a muffled chuckle. I chew the insides of my cheeks to prevent a hysterical laughter from making it's path out of my mouth. I don't know why but everything is appearing extremely funny to me, when it's clearly not suppose to.

I should be thinking about how to approach them. Instead, I'm here, trying to hold in my laughter. Pretty sure nobody heard anything.

"Did you hear someone laugh? I did just now."


"I heard it too. It came from Jeonghan hyung's room."

Jesus Christ.

I'm screwed.

"That's no ghost. That's definitely the thief laughing at Dokyeom hyung's stupidity."

"HAHAHAAAA even the thief is laughing at you. BubO000 shameee!"

"If it's the ghost, then you guys are doing my laundry for the next 10 years."

"Ya, grab the broomstick and follow me."

Oh please not the broomstick again.

What's with them and the broomstick? Is it like their honey glazed sugar coated lucky charm? Is that thing suppose to scare me? Chase me away? Amuse me? Break my bones? Kill me?

Someone tell them that IT'S NOT A FREAKING RIFLE IDIOTS.

I hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. One thing for certain.

Tonight, it's either me or their broomstick.


The lights are on and I see a group of boys at the entrance of the room, equally annoyed and terrified. I'm out of words or reaction because for the very first time in my life, my brother addressed me as 'son of a bitch', and he's on the verge of murdering me with a hell broomstick.

I'm looking at them innocently but they're fiercely glaring at me and tightening their jaws.

"Miss me?" I say, smiling.

They flinch from their positions. Their facial expressions are changing, as if my words just jolt them with million bolts of lightening.



Everyone. I repeat everyone. All of them scream like it's the end of their lives. Their synchronized scream appears so loud that I lift my palms to cover my ears and I can definitely 100 percent feel the earth vibrating and the glasses cracking.

That scream, without any fail made the entire neighbourhood deaf including all the street animals, plants, birds, micro creatures, and of course, me.

Their screams are like a mixture of mega loud thunders and deadly missiles. Once it is dropped, you are done for. I'm not exaggerating but I repeat.

Done for.

I really didn't envision their next action. At all.

Guess what?

They throw that damn broomstick at my face and run at the speed of light.

They seriously run out of the house.

All of them. Again.

What a bunch of cowards.

Eunwoo was right. They're hopeless. So am I. What is this? A cat-mice game? How do I tell them that I'm no ghost and I'm fucking real if they keep running away from me like this?

Well at least, none of them fainted.

That's progress.

All of this like my return, them assuming me as a thief, ghost, then again thief, then son of a bitch and back to ghost, that deadly broomstick, them dropping nuclear bomb like screams and running away afterwards. Lastly, me finding everything hilarious.

All of this, it's really weird.

This existential crisis is a pain in the ass.


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Last update for the day because I'm sleepy af. I'm updating this at 4 am HaHa. Anyways, how are you guys doing? I hope all of you are living a good life and taking good care of your health. My good wishes are always with you guys<3

With love and warm hugs,

*in case if you're wondering, Misa is my real name hehe.*

Truly Yours • Kim Mingyu Where stories live. Discover now