Part 20 : BTS Family K. & Q.

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Some days later

BTS, Kids, and Add Ons

Eomma, Epi tore my script in half and placed a glass of water on it. Now the ink is smudged and I'm unable to read it even if I put it back together. I placed it on the coffee table when I was about to read them but went to the bathroom before hand. When I was walking out of the bathroom Jihoon stopped me asking if I had seen Jaxon and if I could help him find him since Austin and Briar couldn't find him either and asked him to help find Jaxon. I don't think Epi even read what it was before doing that.

Once we found him I went back to the living room to find Epi asleep on the couch and my script in that state. Since I am lazy and don't want to switch chats. I don't care if it takes two seconds to do so but anyways Grey do you have a copy of my script?

Cheonsa as much as I love your uncle Yoongi please don't start being like him. If you end up dying I don't want your next life to be a rock. Sorry Yoongi hyung, I know you are a workaholic but let's face it you are lazy when you want to be and you can sleep anywhere which is not all because of your cat instincts. Epiphany make sure to read what you pick up from now on. I don't care if it may or may not have anything on it. Cheonsa writes her name and the date she gets the script and when she has to learn them by. You knew this to but I can tell that you have forgotten.

Sorry sis 😅 as you suspected I didn't read it. I really need to start reading what I pick up. I'll remember to do that from now on. I did? Yeah, you are right eomma I had forgotten.

Epiphany, you should have known Cheonsa does that already by now and you should have been doing that already 🙄 have you been doing that with everything you pick up because the other day I found one of my songs that I had written in the same manner.

I'm sorry Appa 😭 I didn't mean too. I thought it was just a piece of paper sitting on the coffee table. We all know how aunt Jin doesn't like cup stains on the coffee table. 😔

It's ok Epi, just make sure you read stuff next time before you use it as a coaster for your cup. And yes we all know how much Jin hyung doesn't like cup stains on the coffee table.

Your parents are right babe. You did the same to a paper I needed for a photoshoot I was doing. I did the same Cheonsa did and came back for it to be in half and with a glass on top of it. Why do you tear it in half though? Why not fold it?

I'm so sorry my love 😭❤️ I don't know why I do it I just do 😭 I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!😭😭😭😭

No! Don't cry babe please. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm not leaving you. I love you too. But please in the future remember to read things before you destroy them.

I'm ok babe but come here I want to cuddle. I'm still in the living room watching a movie.

Okie I'll be there in a minute. 😘❤️

Cheonsa, babe I have a copy of your script. I made like four copies so you don't have to worry. Also Key was looking for you.

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