Part 1 Note

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Okay sweet potato bunnies I decided to write this because I've had this idea for a while and wasn't so sure whether or not to write it but I decided to. 🤷‍♀️

You don't have to if you don't want too or have the time:
Vote, comment, and share if you like the book this Have a nice day. I purple you Sweet Potato Bunnies 💜💜💜

This is just a note if any of you did not know: this is a work of FICTION. If I wasn't clear. I do NOT own BTS nor BigHit that would be impossible for me since my ass is BROKE and I do NOT withhold millions and billions of dollars sooooooo yeah.

The new version kinda of no wait there is no kind of to it these three lovely readers of mine helped me figure out something for the book and now I feel better about the book than I once did so this new version goes to bribribannana taetaelikespurple BTSlovernothater I purple you and thank you 😊 ❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜

Also you can comment if you want to but please don't be mean about something you don't understand. If you don't understand something ask but ask in a way I understand what you mean so that when I am able to read the comment I can make it less confusing for you.

Hey Sweet Potato Bunnies here you go

Hey Sweet Potato Bunnies here you go

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