Our Life - 1

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Taehyung and Reason grew up together as neighbors and best friends. When it was time to start school, Reason was sent to a private school while Taehyung had to go to a public school. After a while Reason and Taehyung grew slightly apart. Reason and her family moved to Seoul but not before Reason told Taehyung they were moving.

He was very upset and cried for weeks after a while telling him that her and her parents were moving. She gave him her favorite stuffed animal that was a baby white tiger. He kept it to keep from forgetting her. Years went by until Taehyung started his last year of school. He and his family had to move to Seoul since he joined BigHit Entertainment in a group called BTS.

His parents were so proud of him when they found out. What Taehyung didn't know is that he and his friends were starting at the school where Reason goes, BigHit Preforming Arts.


I wake up to the song of my annoying alarm clock. I drag my feet out of bed to get ready for school. After I am ready I go downstairs to where my mom is sitting at the table talking to someone one the phone in a secretive type way but in all honesty I don't care since she's always doing something secretive if you want my honest opinion.

"Mom, I'm going on to school see you when I get home this afternoon." I say grabbing my backpack from the back of one of the chairs, before I get to the door my mom stops me.

"Wait sweetie, I need to tell you something. You know Kim Taehyung your childhood best friend?" She asks.

"Well, yeah of course I do. Please don't tell me something bad has happened to him." I say worried.

My mom shakes her head no.

"No, nothing bad has happened to him. His mother called me just now telling me that he joined a group called BTS at BigHit. He and his members will be going to the same school you as you. I know how much you miss him but the two of you have to act like you don't know each other when you see each other in school. I invited them over for dinner tonight and them; I mean Taehyung and his parents. Your dad should be home tonight. You can go now so you won't be late for school. I love you have a nice day today sweetie." She says nearly pushing me out of the house.

I laugh at her and walk to school since I don't live far from the school.

When I get to school I make my way to the library entrance since I don't like going through the main entrance of the school because I'm the schools main nerd. I tend to get picked on and it's mostly names and a push or two but I really don't care but that doesn't stop people. Once I'm inside the library I make a note of how many people were surrounded by a group just wanting to see them. I walk by the libraries main desk saying hello to the librarian before leaving.

I make my way to my first class, when inside I make my way to my desk before turning completely back around sitting in one of the desks I usually sit in when my classmates ask me to help them occasionally. I didn't realize the group of seven guys had seen me and is staring at me. I don't like attention on me, it makes me uncomfortable, and makes me feel like I did something wrong.

I put my head down and ignore their stares which seems to piss all of them off except for one. You see I have no friends and the only one had I had to move away from. Since he now goes to my school I have no clue what he looks like now and probably doesn't recognize me. With my head down on my desk I can feel their stares and anger radiate off them. They all make their way over to where I am. I don't know how I know it's them but I just have a feeling it's them. Once they stop in front of the desk I am sitting at one of them taps me on the shoulder.

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