Part 15

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Jungkooks POV

I meet Yoongi at the restaurant and hands him the clue, letters, and food for him and the others.

"Make sure to tell them that it isn't poisoned. I don't want them to think that it is also they should know it's not. I made sure to put on scent concealer because all of you would know my scent off of everything by now." I say making him nod.

"I can't believe Taehyung actually forgot about your anniversary." He says making me chuckle.

"I just hope this'll jog his memory."

"It will, well I think it will. He'll probably be upset that you faked getting kidnapped which has everyone else on edge. Make a new letter for the next person which is Namjoon where he meets up with Bang PD. The only one person who is going to end up in the dark is Tae. Give him a little little so that he can see."

"I'll write a new letter. The one you are holding explains a little. Go Tae doesn't want to waist time." I say chuckling

"Make sure to remind everyone else not to mess up on saying anything." I say making him nod.

"I will don't worry." He says before the both of us leave.

I head to the meeting spot for Hobi which is the place where we had our first fan signing event.

Taehyung's POV

When Yoongi comes back he hands Hobi the next clue before handing me the letters P, E, and Y.  He places a bag of food on the table.

"The food isn't poisoned so don't think it."

My phone goes off. I take it out and checks it.

#1FanwhohasmyBunbun: rule change no more time limit. I don't want you scared and I don't want you hating me. I don't know what I would do if you did.

"They said we no longer have a time limit." I say not mentioning the rest making everyone nod.

We all eat and once we're done Hobi reads the letter.

"Hobi, you are literally a sunshine in anyone's life. Anyone who criticizes you doesn't know what they are missing. You all think this and I want to clear it up. Jungkook was never kidnapped. He came of his own will. Ok Hobi, I want you to go to the place where the first fan signing event was. Someone will meet you there." He reads.

Relief washes over me as I hear that Jungkook wasn't kidnapped but why is this all happening? I am so confused now. So very confused.

I rub my hands over my face in frustration as Hoseok leaves the house.

Jungkooks POV

I surprise Hobi by being at the meeting place in the clue.

"Jungkook what are you doing here? I thought you were with a crazy fan." He says making me shake my head.

"No, it's a surprise for Tae for our anniversary that he obviously forgot about. I didn't meet up with you, Jimin, and Yoongi for Jimins clue because I had to do something at the time and I'm still getting everything ready. Reason as to why for the goose chase. I've met up with everyone else and tell Jimin to feel in one of his pockets. I had someone put something in on of them without anyone noticing. Here is the next clue and the next set of letters. Please don't mention anything to Tae as I said it's a surprise. I would like to keep it that way. Everyone who is helping me will meet up with Namjoon at the studio. After that you all have to go to the next spot and Tae has to go to the last one by himself. Before you ask about why Jin had been crying it really wasn't for the fact he went to the alley which he did. I didn't make him go inside. I wouldn't ever make him do that. I didn't go in myself either I met him beside the entrance. Just seeing me made him cry. I told him everything and before he went back to the house I told him to act like he was sad and upset to make everything believable. So all in all I told him, he was actually really happy that I wasn't sad. Jin Now go back to the house don't let Tae know what I told you and I have to go fix up a room. Before I left I made sure to fix the notification settings on his phone so that he won't get any from anything except for texts and calls." I say making him nod before leaving heading back to the house.

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