Part 10

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"I can't tell the boys to give Jungkook back to you plus you are the one at fault. Anyways the boys have done nothing wrong and everything they have done is perfectly legal. The only thing that you have done that is legal is feeding, clothing, and making sure he was alive from what I've read well up until you thought he was dead and threw him out into an alley. Everything else that you have done to the your hybrids has been illegal and you have done a number of things to your previous hybrids so I'm still surprised you were even granted any. It is illegal however to try to get a hybrid that you did throw out for thinking they were dead and is claimed by another. You could go to court and try to get him back but giving what the boys have against you, you'd just lose and go to jail. I have nothing else to say about this except your going to lose no matter what you try to do. You can leave now because we have to leave to introduce Jungkook into the group and then they have to practice before leaving for their tour." Bang PD says before getting up making the rest of us get up as well.

Tae keeps his hand on my waist to make sure I don't do anything that could risk me being able to join the group. I lean my head back on his shoulder to tell him that I'll be ok as long as he's with me.

"You did so good Bunbun I'm proud of you for controling yourself when you wanted to hurt him." Tae whispers praising me making me blush because I always like it when he praises me.

Not mattering what my headspace is.

Everyone sees how he affects me and I'm sure I'm red as a tomato which everyone sees making me turn around and bury my face in Tae's chest making everyone except my old owner and his friends coo at me making me whine in embarrassment which Tae chuckles at.

"Ok, I'll stop embarrassing you baby Bunbun. I didn't mean to make you that embarrassed but you know how much I love you and I've got to show it sometimes." He says be quickly kissing me on the cheek as my old owner and his friends look at us shocked.

"I love you too Tae and I know that you are my owner and everyone else in this room knows that your are my owner but the other four people in this room doesn't know how much the two of us love each other and this is pretty much telling so I'm ok and I'm not going to get overly embarrassed about it." I say before turning around towards Tae wrapping my arms around his neck before kissing him on the lips.

We pull apart and grab our bags before the both of us head to the vans leaving everyone else in the house to follow us. I made a new decision; show ARMY that I'm a bunny hybrid since I'm always in that form and it will be more easier for them to handle because of my bunny teeth. Everyone eventually comes out and gets into the vehicles and leaves. I change back to a bunny as Tae goes back to being an alpha. My old owner and his friends leave the house before any of us.

Ok, I think it's time for you to know their names.

My old owners name is Min Anthony and his three friends are Park Brandon, Trace Tuan, and Jung Kooley, yes his name is Kooley. I know it is a weird name but that is what his parents named him so please no making fun. I actually think it is a nice name. He is actually one of the nice ones. He is the one who found out Jeonsan was pregnant. He is the one who immediately knew who the guys were and he is also the friend who is in love with Anthony. Kooley knew I never liked Anthony so he didn't conflict me with much pain unless it was necessary. He never liked it when Anthony hurt me. I could see it on his face the disappointment.

I look around the van and count there is one extra person in the van with us.

"Kooley? What are you doing here? Did Anthony make you get in the van with us?" I bombard him with questions making everyone in the van look at him immediately.

"Please don't kick me out of the van. I'm not going to hurt you. I never have wanted to hurt you but I do have something to tell you. Yes, we came to your house again to get you back Jungkook and no he didn't. All he knows is that I was walking back home which isn't far from your house. As much as I love Anthony I hate everything he is doing right now. He was planning on kidnapping you Jungkook but since his plan didn't work and he has no other options of getting you his last resort is him turning one of his friends into a hybrid and he originally wanted me to be the one he would have changed. He changed his mind to making Brandon into the hybrid. What he doesn't know is that I am a hybrid already and has hid it from him all these years. You didn't know because I had to put on so much scent concealing spray I pretty much took a bath in it. Jungkook, I am a black rabbit hybrid almost like you. I knew you were a multi-hybrid but I never told Anthony because he would have known by now. Jungkook, I wasn't born this way. My parents hated me so much they sold me to the people who make hybrids and I was put in a family who taught me everything I know now. Every hybrid Anthony got I tried my best to keep alive but I've failed so many times I can't count. The night he thought you were dead was the day I knew was going to be the day I saved you. You didn't deserve his torment and torture. You had done nothing wrong to deserve it. None of the hybrids he had gotten never deserved the treatment they got. He told me to check you for a pulse and I did, I actually didn't feel a pulse but thats how slow your heart was beating and I knew you were still alive but he didn't need to know that. Since he had a moment of uncertainty torwards me he pushed me away and looked for a pulse himself and when he didn't find any he told Trace to throw you into the alley. He didn't throw you instead he carried you and placed you on the ground. I know Trace cares about you he also didn't want to hurt you. As much as I love Anthony I can't change him and never will be able to so I need to get away from him and I didn't really know how I would ever do that so I thought why not risk my life and ask you guys if you could help me get away from him. I wasn't exactly helping Anthony since I never agreed to his ways of doing things. I can't help Brandon since he actually volunteered to be turned into a hybrid and now Anthony is ecstatic so he won't pay any attention to one of his friends not being around anymore. He'll be distracted the whole time." Once he's done talking he's looking down at his hands and I know that look.

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