Part 6

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This chapter might or will be triggering to some of you so please be cautious about it. I meant to put this a while back but forgot to but here it is.

Taehyung's POV

I wake up to Jungkook moaning and groaning in his sleep. I get out of the bed after feeling him rub against me. My wolf can sense our mate needs us but I do not give into what my desire is telling me. Yes, I want to mark him but I am not going to do it early. I go to the bathroom to fix my problem. When I am done I go back to see that he's still moaning and groaning in his sleep but his body movements have become more restless until he wakes up. His whole being wet with sweat.

"Mmmm Daddy get Yoonnnngi hyung the heat pills aren't mmm working. It hurts so baaaaaaad." He says whining and panting but before I am able to leave to go get Yoongi, Yoongi walks in.

"Jungkook, I know this is your first heat and it hurts yes. The heat pills will kick in a little bit. They do not activate immediately but they will work though it will take a little bit but you have to wait a little." Yoongi says to him before leaving.

These past few days have been very odd because Yoongi has been up earlier than usual. Yoongi is usually still asleep around this time unless we have to be up extremely early. The rest of the time you can't get him up in the mornings. He'll just go back to sleep.

He must have sensed Jungkooks heat coming before he brought the hybrid birth control. That is the only logical explanation that I can come up with for him to start being this way. I haven't sensed Jungkooks heat until now.

"Mmnng daddy, I...... I...... need you mmnngg hnnn." Jungkook says moaning.

"I will help but I am not going to go to far. I will stop myself. Do not argue with me ok baby. As much as you will want me to continue I am not going to. I love you and you deserve to be treated like the princess I know you to be and now when you are heat is not the time." I say making him nod quickly.

I help Jungkook with his heat a little bit but I don't go to far. When we are done he is still restless but not as much as they were before.

Jungkooks movements cease and he goes back to sleep after I change him into more comfortable clothes that aren't filled with sweat. When I know he is fully asleep and is calmed down enough I get back in the bed with him and falls back to sleep.

A couple of hours later I wake up to feel a weight on my chest. I look down to find a little grey bunny. I run my fingers through its fur to get a purr of happiness while it's still asleep before wiggling awake and looks up at me with chocolate brown eyes.

"Baby Bunbun, you are so adorable in both forms. I love you to much to think differently. You are so fuzzy and cute baby. I want to hug and kiss you till you tell me to stop. Gah you are so freaking cute!" I say as he buries his fuzzy face in my chest in embarrassment making me chuckle at his cuteness before running my fingers through his fur making him purr more.

A couple minutes go by before hearing a knock. On the door before opening to reveal Jin.

"Yoongi is in his cat form so I was wondering if Jungkook was in his bunny form and now I wonder what is going on. Yoongi only does this when he's either extremely tired or uncomfortable about something. I was talking to him before he changed and he looked as though he did not want to change. Like he was doing it against his will. Well that is all I had to say." He says before leaving the door open as he leaves.

A couple minutes later a grey, green-yellow eyed cat comes in and jumps on the bed with us. I know the cat is Yoongi because he is the only hybrid in the house other than Jungkook. I have seen him this way a couple of times. Plus Jungkook is not a cat so it can't be anyone else since everyone else in the house is either a wolf or vampire.

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