Part 13

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10 years later again

Taehyung's POV

Mine and Jungkooks kids are all over the place along with Namjoon and Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin, Shinyong and Jace, Trace and Kooley even though most of our kids are teenagers and have found out who their mates are but they still live at home since most of our kids mates are mated to their friends which we are ok with. To be truthful we were all worried that at least one of them wasn't going to be mated to anyone in our circle.

The twins Epi and Sea are ten, along with Trace and Kooleys triplets Asha, Jihoon, and Jaxon, Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseoks daughter Elly, and Namjoon and Jins twins Yuna and Austin. Shinyong and Trace twins Toby and Chae are are younger so they are nine.

As Expected though Kyungso and Jaekyun are mates as are Jeonsan and Rio. Key, Cheonsa, and Gray are mates but when grey was fifthteen they got into an argument. He was upset that Key and Cheonsa are mates and he voiced it which is a good thing. He didn't understand why they kept being with him, he didn't do much complaining though. It was and still is obvious he loves them both like they love him. I'm glad that they show him that. Hope is mated to Hyunjin and Jeongan from Stray Kids son Nature and his mate.

Epi and Yuna, Sea and Toby, Austin and Jaxon, Elly and Jihoon, Chae and Asha will end up being mates I know with at least one or two of the groups there will be one or two that will end up having three mates all together.

Most of all of our oldest kids are in college now but they all still live in Bangtan houses since they are all taking their courses online. Well all of the kids are now doing all of their schooling online. We just make them take a certain amount of time to do whatever they need to do in the living room and kitchen since the floor plan downstairs is open and Namjoon, and few of us can supervise them when they are doing their work so that we know that they are actually doing it plus we can help them when they need it.

Lately Jungkook and I have been getting calls and texts from what I am guessing is the same person but we don't know who it is so we don't answer them and completely block them. Jungkook and I are going today to get a new phone and number since they won't stop calling. We have already told PD hyung and everyone who will need our number.

At our last fan sign event we had all of us met a fanboy and girl who were a couple. The both of them set us and I mean all of us the wrong way. They gave us a crazy stalkish vibe.

Shinyong, Jace, Kooley, and Trace where there because PD hyung lets them since they all travel with us along with our kids. Yes, we already had a lot of people with us now a lot more.

We see this couple everywhere. I'm not exaggerating this, why would I. I know how it feels to be stalked. I've been stalked multiple times and Dispatch isn't making it any better. All of Bangtan do, well all eleven of us in our circle do plus all seventeen of our kids.

Flashback a few years ago

Jungkook and I are in his studio working on a project when we hear shouting from downstairs in the living room. The two of us look at each other before getting up and goes to see what's going on.

When we get down there we see Key and Gray arguing as Cheonsa cries sitting in a corner. The two boys are alphas but only one of the two can change to an omega since Cheonsa is like Jungkook when changing animals based on what her emotions are. Jungkook has been teaching her how to change without having to use emotions.

Jungkook and I look at each other once again knowing that Gray started the argument out of jealousy because he was feeling left out by Cheonsa and Key again. This has happened a couple of times now and Grey does it out of jealousy and fear of losing the two he loves with everything of his being.

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