Part 18 : Kookie wants to be little

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Bangchans POV

When Kookie come up I didn't know what to think all I know is that he has never come here by himself.

I called Taehyung he answered shortly after.

"Hyung, do you know where Kookie is?" I ask him after he says hello.

"Yeah, he's here at the studio why?"

"Hyung, he's not there, he's here, and he's hurting. He's in pain from forcing himself to be big. You can see how much pain he is in just looking him in the eyes. Tae, he feels neglected by you and the others for not realizing that. Did you block him? Did you block his emotions? Hyung, you're a wolf. His pain is your pain don't block yourself from being able to help him when he needs it and right now he really does also I know you have something planned for him. He told me that he had gone to your house so he could be in little space without having to worry about others but he left due to people fixing his playroom. He came here once he saw that. Hyung continue what you have planned but let him stay here until you are done. When you are done make sure you show him how sorry you are for making him think that you didn't care that he needed to be in little space because at the moment he thinks that you don't care about him and what he needs is that you actually do care." I say as I hear him starting crying.

"I am such a bad husband. I didn't even... oh my god. I did block him but it wasn't intentional. I didn't even notice until you said it. I didn't even notice that he was gone. You are right I do have something special planned for Jungkook it's for his birthday which is tomorrow. What I can tell is he may have forgotten that his birthday is tomorrow but he can stay there until everything is done which will be around eight tonight so I'll come and get him around eight thirty if you don't mind keeping him that long?" He asks.

"No, I don't mind. I don't think the others will either. Our kids won't be here until later and I mean till around ten night or so." I say chuckling.

"Ok. Thank you, I owe you for this. I'm glad you called me. I would have been worried sick if you hadn't and I would be running around here like a mad man trying to find out where he was."

"Yeah, I get it and no you don't owe me anything. I've said this multiple times since me and rest of the guys found out that he was a little that you can call whenever we don't have a schedule, we already told you that. We don't mind helping take care of him while you get everything finished up."

"Thank you again."

"No problem anyways I'll let you go."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." He says before we hang up.

I head over to the couch where Felix and Minho are sitting where as Hyunjin comes walking down the stairs towards but before I am able to sit down I hear someone crying. I look at all three of them before we all run to the playroom. When we get by there we see Innie and Sungie trying to get crayons away from Minnie but stops when they see us while Kookie who seems to have calmed a crying Binnie. Felix heads over to them.

"What happened?" I ask them.

"Kookie wush coworing and Minnie stole dah cwayons twying to eat dem again. Mwe, Binnie, ans Sungie tried to hewp buh Binnie gots hit in dah face by Minnie and he puwwed Kookie eaw." Innie says.

(Kookie was coloring and Minnie stole the crayons trying to eat them again. Me, Binnie, and Sungie tried to help but Binnie got hit in the face by Minnie and he pulled Kookies ear.)

"Minnie how many times have I told you crayons aren't for eating they are for coloring? Come on you didn't listen to daddy so you get spankies. I was being lenient earlier because Kookie is here but you haven't listened to me also you hit Binnie and pulled Kookie so that adds to your punishment. Daddy doesn't like punishing you but you keep doing things that makes him punish you." I say getting Minnie up who is nearly crying and walks out of the room with him heading to our room.

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