Part 8

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Tae's POV

After Jin was finished cooking he called everyone to come eat by then Jungkook had gone back to being in his half human and half bunny form and was cuddling with me on the couch. As cute as he was in bunny form I like him better like this because I can be more cuddly with him without fear of hurting him. Yes, I can be cuddly with him when he is in animal form though I fear that I am going to hurt him and I don't want that to happen. I pick him up and carry him to the kitchen where the table is already set and waiting for everyone to get there. Jungkook sits in my lap as usual and waits patiently for me to feed him. Once everyone gets there we begin to eat.

"Guys, we are going to have to go to practice and take Jungkook with us and I am sure him being different animals and switching has already made his wounds heal up. If we miss anymore practices Bang PD is going to be more mad at us than he already is, I don't want to add to it." Namjoon says before he begins to eat.

"We know Joonie, you have been stressing about it all day but we can not help that. It is not our fault we have had to miss practice day's. Jungkook cannot control what his old owner does. All he can do is prevent him from doing what he went through to another hybrid. How about all of us go to the practice room then when Jungkook knows all the dances we can go to the studio and fit him into all the songs and when we are done we can come back and rest like usual. I know the days that we have all been practicing together have not been enough but we will do great in the end. If you mess up, you mess up and try harder next time but not to hard that will hurt us then that will worry ARMY. I know it is a lot to take in and we do not have much more time till the tour. We will make up for the time that was lost." Jin says after swallowing the bite he had.

We all look at Namjoon for his answer.

"Jinnie that is a good idea, no great idea. We will do that. Is everyone ok with that?" He asks looking up and we all nod in response before we continue eating.

"Yeah, we are fine with that Namjoon hyung." I say before feeding Jungkook.

Once everyone is done we clean up and head to wherever. Jungkook and I specifically go up to our room. We get what we need before going back down and heading to the van where everyone waits. Jungkook sits in my lap. In the back beside Hoseok who sits in the middle to the right of Yoongi who has fallen back to sleep making the rest of us chuckle at him.

When we get there I leave Jimin and Hoseok to wake up Yoongi. The rest of us immediately head to where we need to go later with Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi following behind.

Couple hours later

We are all sweaty and tired but we still need to go to the studio. We get up and head there to finish our day before going home, taking a shower, eating, and going to bed.

Ok, you must be wondering how Jimin and Hoseok eat. Well they obviously drink blood because they have to. They only get it from Yoongi but only when he says they can which is mostly when they are being intimate. I know this because they make him yell out whether or not he will let them. If he says yes he moans very loud. That makes Jin yell at the three. If Hoseok and Jimin don't feed from Yoongi they have animal blood in the fridge from when either me, Jin, or Namjoon goes for a run and brings back an animal. We get all the meat we want off of it we want and drain the blood out of the rest. We don't get sick or injured animals but we do bring those back with us so that Jin can help them. He may be a hybrid doctor but he can still help animals or any one that need it. When they get better we let them go. If they don't get better and die in the end we bury them covering their scent so other animals won't bother them.

Jimin and Hoseok eat normal human food as you can tell as they only drink animal blood and doing so they get to keep their human traits, like eating, sleeping, having their heart beat, and breathing. Vampires aren't allergic to garlic and most definitely don't get burned by the sun that was a stupid tale people used to tell so that people would be careful in the sun.

Love of a Hybrid ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon