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Shinobu Gou was an awful person- Kou's brother, specifically. Honestly Kou's dad (who shared the same name) could also go to hell, but Kou's big brother specifically deserved a special place in it.

All her life, he'd always been the biggest asshole possible to her. She wasn't even the most annoying kid, either. She tried minding her own business, tried being nice, tried staying out of his way; she'd done everything she could possibly think of to get him to lay off her, but he just seemed to really hate her.

Hair pulling, poking, hitting, embarrassing, insulting, talking down to her; Gou had been nothing more than a bully his entire life, and she was his favourite victim. When she'd gotten older and more capable of fighting back he laid off the physical attacks, but his verbal ones were just as harsh.

Gou was exactly like their dad. Actually no, he was fucking worse because they had their stepdad raising them too. Gou not only was a kleptomaniac alcoholic with a penchant for narcotics and ignoring his responsibilities (just like daddy!), but he also had a sadistic, cruel streak he graciously inherited from Katsuro. Imagine living with that for 13 years.

She'd practically thrown a damn block party the day he left home, glad that she only had to worry about getting tortured by one person instead of two. Kou prayed he wouldn't come back, that maybe he'd find someone new to bother and she'd finally be free of him. Of course, god had a funny way of ignoring her and giving Kou the exact opposite of what she wanted all the time.

He also had impeccable timing, because she just so happened to run into her brother AND dad the night before the provisional hero licence exams.

"Ko-kou!" The patronizing nickname and familiar voice sends chills up her spine, and she didn't want to turn around and face the person there. "Long time no see, huh? I brought someone with me~"

Kou's hands were shaking, her grip on the mail tightening to the point she was crumpling the papers she was holding. She had to be wrong, it couldn't be Gou. He hadn't been around in 2 years, why would he come back now?

"You ignoring us? That's no way to treat your big bro, little sis." he jeered, and Kou hesitantly turned around. She almost dropped what she was holding when she saw who was beside him.

It was her father. The one she hadn't seen since she was 5, the one she almost forgot about until now. "W-what the fuck? Why is he here?"

"He? You mean our dad?" Gou scoffs, and the two go closer to her. She backs away. "Damn, you really forgot your manners since I left, huh? What has Katsuro been teaching you?"

Kou can't look at her dad. She can't. He's right there, right in front of her for the first time in over a decade, and she can't believe it. She doesn't know how to feel: happy? Confused? Angry? Scared? How do you feel about someone who's basically a total stranger?

"Gou," her dad chastises in a paternal voice she'd never heard before, "You shouldn't talk down to your sister. It's been a while since she's seen me, anyways. I doubt she remembers me much."

He turns to smile at her, but his eyes are sunken in and hollow. Prison had really aged the old man; his hairs were greying, his posture slouching, his skin more wrinkly than she remembered it. Then again, it may have been the alcohol and drugs too. Kou wondered if he was even clean right now.

Long story short, her dad got out of jail 5 years early- he was on parole for 'good behaviour', and for some reason she was expected to welcome him back with open arms. He'd discovered 'god' during his time there, and wanted to right his wrongs and that started with the family he abandoned so long ago.

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