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Kou didn't know why she was so nervous.

Bakugou and her had been dating for a couple weeks already, but had yet to go on an official date. After some berating on both sides from their friends they finally agreed to start acting like a 'real couple', which brought them to where they were today: another amusement park.

The two of them had gone out with each other plenty of times in her opinion. They'd get something to eat after school sometimes, train together; sometimes they'd go to the park with Hiro and Machi if they had enough time. She didn't think anything had to change now that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but apparently that wasn't the case.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Kou is broken out of her reverie by Bakugou's voice, and the slight squeeze of their intertwined hands.

She looks around at the vast indoor park: the giant roller coasters, the flashing lights from the games, the different attractions made for couples.

Just as she's about to say the roller coasters, she remembers how long Mina and the other girls had spent on her makeup, and the fact that her clothes weren't exactly made for travelling at fast speeds and going upside down.

With a dejected look, she says: "I guess we could just walk around and see what stands they have?"

Bakugou must notice how anxious she is, because he brings her hand to his lips and presses a light kiss to the back of it, bringing a soft smile to her face.

They were finally a real couple- she wasn't going to let the pressure of a first date get to her.


Bakugou was currently suffering from the biggest headache he'd had since he tried teaching Kaminari about gravity.

Turns out going out to get fast food and hanging out in his room didn't constitute as 'couples shit', and if he wanted to make his new girlfriend happy he'd actually have to put in some effort into planning out their dates from now on.

The blond hero didn't really mind putting in some extra work to keep Kou satisfied in their relationship- he'd do anything for that girl. But exactly how many rules were there about how to be a good fucking boyfriend?

"You gotta be manly, dude! Don't let her do anything by herself- she needs to know she can depend on you!" Kirishima cried passionately, a single tear in his eye and fist on his chest.

That piece of advice was pretty vague, but Katsuki translated this to: carrying all her shit and not taking no for an answer.

"Uh, Katsuki, are you sure you're okay?" Kou asked unsurely, a worried look on her face as she observed her boyfriend carrying her coat, bag, and the stuffed animal he'd just won her in yet another desperate attempt to be manly.

"Totally fine," he tries to tell her, but his voice is muffled from the giant monkey covering his face and practically blocking his vision.

"Whatever you say," she ends up conceding, grabbing onto his forearm, "Just let me guide you to where we're going next?"

He would've denied her help had his oxygen not been getting cut off by the giant fur ball smashing his face, or the stinging pain in his biceps. Jeez, what did this girl carry in her bag?

"Whatever," he grumbles, telling himself this was all for the greater good.

"Don't be a cheapskate," Sero said smugly, as if he wasn't the brokest of them all, "If you wanna be a boyfriend you need to pay for everything, no questions asked."

Okay, Katsuki basically already did that on the regular. At least he tried to for the most part.

Kou was a pretty stubborn girl (which he loved), so fighting for bills had become something of a ritual for them whenever they went out- he won for the most part, but occasionally she'd slip his grasp and pay for the both of them. This had led to one too many arguments and getting kicked out of more restaurants than he cared to admit, but that's what made it fun.

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