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"Okay, are they dating or what? I'm so confused!" Kaminari whined, seeing Bakugou and Kou walking onto school property from the window in the common area.

"Well are they holding hands or kissing or something?" Sero asks, and Kaminari rolls his eyes at his question.

"They're always holding hands! It makes me sick!" He groans, gagging a bit for effect as he looks through the curtains, "And if I have to see them kiss I'm sticking my hand in a blender!"

"How are we supposed to know if they're dating or not then?!" Sero argues, and Kaminari turns back to give him an incredulous look.

"You watch them, then!"

"No fucking way!"

"Guys, guys- why are we even doing this in the first place?" Kirishima asks with a nervous smile, "Shouldn't we just leave them alone?"

"Hell no!" Mina chimes in, "We are way too invested in this! I didn't hype my girl up just for them not to tell me what happened after the carnival!"

Kirishima couldn't help but agree- after that night in the amusement park Kou and Bakugou appeared to go back to normal (so basically a couple), but there had been no confirmation of their relationship at all.

Not that anybody even had the chance to talk to them lately. Those two were in their own world as usual, but in the past 2 weeks it had gotten impossible to catch either one of them alone. They were always hanging out in Bakugou's room.

Kirishima supposed it was good they were friends again, at least.

"They're coming in!" Kaminari yells, "Everybody act cool!"

Kaminari, Sero and Mina dive to the couch, assuming their 'normal' positions. Not even 30 seconds later Bakugou and Kou walked in, chuckling to themselves- Kaminari tried to hide his gagging.

"Hey guys," Kou smiled when she noticed them hanging out in the common room, "...What are you guys doing?"

"Hm?" Mina asks innocently, "What do you mean?"

Kou turned to glance at Bakugou, who looked just as confused at the sight before them: Kaminari was reading a textbook (something they doubted since they were pretty sure he didn't know how to read), Mina was playing a video game, and Sero was doing yoga. The only person who looked normal was Kirishima, and he was staring at the wall and sitting like he had a stick up his ass.

"Whatever," Bakugou gruffs, "You extras can do whatever you want. We're going upstairs."

The two leave hand in hand, and everyone exhales in relief. "Man, that was close!"

"Are you being serious?" Kirishima says, "They're totally onto us!"

"Who cares?!" Mina cries, "We need to follow them! Let's go to Kiri's room!"

"Yeah!" the two boys cheer, Kirishima reluctantly agreeing.

The four of them make their way to the redhead's room, making sure to take the stairs so that the suspected couple wouldn't notice them. When they finally get to his door, they open it as quietly as possible and shuffle in.

"Let's listen!" Kaminari whispers, bringing his ear to the wall and struggling to hear what they're doing.

"Good idea!" Mina agrees, joining the blond and trying to eavesdrop. The other two eventually join in, and they stay silent for about five minutes before giving up.

"I can't hear anything!" Sero groans, making sure not to raise his voice too much, "I think we should just ask them tomorrow at breakfast or something?"

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