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Shinobi was a nickname Kou hadn't heard in a long time. It was supposed to be endearing, but it pissed her off.

People in middle school liked to call her that as a testament to her more conniving side; the side that had no problem stealing from people or shops. The kind that got away with petty crime because of her quirk.

Like a shadow through the night, or whatever. It was stupid and embarrassing. Kou had made some bad decisions in the name of fitting in, especially in her younger years.

She'd gotten into fights, she'd robbed countless gas stations and convenience stores dry, she's used her quirk illegally more times than she cared to admit; something she had to stop if she wanted to be a hero.

The only thing she never did with her powers was hurt people- not unless they started it. Shinobu wasn't a fan of unnecessary violence, nor did she have a particularly sadistic streak.

That's why she found herself distancing from her middle school friends, especially in their last year. Things had taken a darker turn the older they got, the more exposed to the crimes their city was rampant with. She didn't want to get further involved in their schemes, though she knew she was probably worse than all of them at some point.

"Well if it isn't little old Shinobi-chan," the hair-raising voice of her old classmate sneered sarcastically, his lackeys tagging behind him with similar smug looks on their faces. "You know, we were beginning to think you were dead or something."

"Good to see you too, Tsubasa." She said lowly, gaze narrowing at the group. "It's been a while."

Kou had absolutely no interest in interacting with these guys, but she didn't really have a choice. She knew if she walked away they'd take it as a sign she was weak, and she couldn't look that vulnerable. Swallowing the nervous feeling in her gut, she hardened her stare and clenched her bag a bit tighter.

The boy only smiled sleazily, approaching the shorter girl with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You look a lot different from how I remember you, Shinobi. You really filled out since we last saw you, don't you think guys?"

All eyes were on her, closing in on her figure. Kou felt sick. "Can't say the same for you, Tsu- baka . You're looking scrawny as ever."

His smile faltered at that, slightly offended at that. "Wanna see how much I've grown up yourself?"

She rolled her eyes, acting unbothered as she tried to push herself through the small crowd that now surrounded her. "I'd rather eat gravel than go anywhere with you, dickhead."

"What's up her ass?" One of his friends asked as they held her back with a hand on her shoulder.

"You're as difficult as ever, Shinobi," Tsubasa teased, leaning in closer. "We just wanted to have some fun, we missed you ."

It was no secret Tsubasa had always wanted Kou; he made his affections quite clear in middle school. It was easier to push him away back then; he didn't have this many people behind him.

At some point, Kou had even been the leader of their little group of wannabe thugs, everyone looking to her for guidance and protection. Looks like the little shit had taken over that position in her absence.

"Hey, Kou-mi!" The sudden booming voice of her explosive friend easing the tension that had gathered in her body. For possibly the first time ever, she was relieved to have him around. "The hell's taking you so long? Everyone's waiting for your dumb ass and-"

Bakugou seemed to register the presence of other people around her, scowl on his face deepening. "Who the fuck are these extras?"

"Nobody important. Just leave us alone, Bakugou."

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