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She failed.

Kou had failed to get the one thing she'd been dreaming of, working towards, wanting for over two years.

She wanted to blame it on her dad, or her brother, or the fact that she'd gotten 2 hours of sleep the night before because of those two. She desperately wanted to say it was someone else's fault, but she knew that she had no one else to blame but herself.

Sure, a bunch of shitty things happened to her- but they happened to her everyday and she didn't let it get in her way. It's because she let them get in her head, she let them fuck her up- she was being weak.

Why couldn't she have stayed strong for just a little bit longer? She knew she was scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point, her physical and emotional well being were at an all time low thanks to school and work and everything else in her life- but still. She couldn't last for just one more day?

When she hadn't seen her name pop up on the board she didn't know if she was surprised or not. Honestly, had she really expected to pass the exams after everything she did?

She'd completely ignored the civilians, fought with the other heroes, almost killed an examiner and was just overall not heroic today. Did she really think she deserved to pass like that?

Apparently Bakugou and Todoroki had failed too; that didn't make her feel better though. Even Mineta had passed before her.

Kou could hear the calls of her classmates and friends from behind her, but if she was in a bad mood before she was definitely not in a good one now. She made her way to the changerooms, putting her regular clothing back on.

Without another word, she left the exam building. She didn't care if she was going to get in trouble with Aizawa later- she had to get out of there. She just wanted to go back home.


Kou had just finished a 2 hour meeting at the bank, finally getting her new credit card and ensuring that her money wasn't stolen by her piece of shit father. Thanks to them, she had to run around the city all afternoon trying to fix everything they'd messed up.

A part of her wanted to continue beating herself up for being stupid enough to fall for their schemes, but honestly at this point Kou was too tired to even care. She'd skipped work for this, and Kou knew that today was probably the last day she had left before she had to resume her responsibilities.

Maybe this would be a nice break. It would be even better if she'd passed the damn licence exams, but she was trying her best to remain positive. Once you hit rock bottom you can only go up, right?

Wrong. Kou was so astronomically wrong she wanted to beat the shit out of her past-self for even thinking that things were looking up.

"Shinobi!" Kou turned the corner of her street to be greeted with the sight of Tsubasa and his friends- more than last time.

Kou groaned loudly, not even caring if she sounded crazy. Are you fucking kidding? Right now? She had to see Tsubasa and everyone right now ? NOW?!

"What do you want, Tsubasa?" she growled, trying to push past them but they weren't moving. "I don't have time for your shit today, man."

Tsubasa laughed, slapping her on the shoulder and shaking her roughly. "Aw Shinobi, don't be like that! We missed you, and last time we were rudely interrupted by your new friends."

Kou tenses at the mention of her U.A. classmates. "What do you want?"

"Is your little boyfriend around?" Tsubasa looks from side to side mockingly, looking down at her with an evil grin. "I don't think we got off on the right foot last time."

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