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So much for a covert operation.

Not only had they ended up in the WRONG PLACE, but the five of them were currently hiding from the villain and the pro-heroes who had arrived a couple minutes prior to capture the Nomu's that were being kept in this factory.

Some man in a black mask and suit had shown up all of a sudden, taking out at least 4 of the pros and almost killing Best Jeanist, from what Kou could hear. She was trying her best to keep her focus on using her nen and hiding them all, but it was getting difficult with how scared she was becoming.

How strong did this guy have to be, to take out all those heroes by himself? Kou could feel the murderous aura coming off of him, a pure evil she'd never encountered before that left her feeling sick inside.

"What just happened?" Todoroki was looking more fearful than she'd ever seen him, almost shaking from the horrors beyond the wall concealing them.

"He erased them all in an instant!" She was currently in between the two redheads, and hearing their paranoid thoughts wasn't helping her own.

How the fuck were they supposed to get out of this situation? They were supposed to discreetly go in and save their classmate, but with a villain like this only a couple metres away how were they supposed to do anything but hide?

"Damn it," a familiar voice appeared all of a sudden, making Kou forget about her fear for a second, "Where the hell am I?"

Bakugou? Why was he here? Was he teleported or something? Kou couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing he was closer to them; it also meant he was face to face with the powerhouse who'd just annihilated his mentor only moments before.

The sounds of the other members of the League appearing out of thin air were heard seconds later, only adding to the stress of the situation. It was the six of them (including Bakugou) against god knows how many villains?

Kou snapped her head to the end of their line, seeing Midoriya look like he was heavily deliberating something. Before he could move she threw a card at him, holding him down and preventing him from killing all of them with his recklessness.

"If you even try moving I will kill you, Deku." she threatens, voice quivering slightly. "Don't do anything until you have an actual plan."

" You're here after all, aren't you..? " the villain's booming voice made the group freeze in their tracks; had they been caught? They were 100% going to die.

All Might's voice was heard, along with him landing on the ground only a couple metres away from them. Kou didn't think she'd ever been so relieved for a hero to come.

The Symbol of Peace was sent flying back from the villain's hit only a few seconds later, and the man continued to speak to Shigaraki: "Run away from here, Tomura. Take the child with you. Kurogiri, get everyone away from here."

The villains argued amongst themselves, and Kou turned back to Izuku. She knew they had to do something before Bakugou was taken again, but what? How were they supposed to act without getting directly involved, or caught, or in trouble?

She thinks back to what her classmates warned them: that by acting on their emotions they were no better than the villains. That what they were doing was selfish and irresponsible. If they saw where they were right now, it would probably be the biggest ' I told you so ' in history.

But Kou didn't feel like she was doing the wrong thing. This wasn't about heroes and villains, it never was. It was about saving the people you care about no matter what, and not letting stupid things like rules or fear stop you from acting. Even if she was positively shaking in her boots, she wasn't going to back down.

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