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Work studies hadn't been as bad as Kou thought. She ended up with Edgeshot, the #5 hero. It was only a short train ride to his agency, and their quirks worked rather well together. Edgeshot was a man of few words, but he did teach her a lot through his training and hands-on experience. In fact, she'd picked up a few new tricks over the course of the week.

Walking into 1-A was still a bit weird to her, as she'd only been there for a couple days before immediately beginning her work study. As she entered her classroom, she was greeted with the sight of a tame Bakugou, hair gelled into submission. His friends were standing around him, laughing uncontrollably at his new look.

"What the hell is wrong with your hair Baka-Gou?" Kou greeted, laughing harder when he turned around to reveal it in its entirety.

"SHUT UP! I TRIED GETTING THE GEL OUT BUT NOTHING'S WORKING!" He yelled, earning more laughs from the 3 boys. This caused his hair to puff up to its original form and the 4 of them to just about die from the hilarity.

"So how was your guys' work studies?" Kou asked, approaching the group. She was in a surprisingly good mood today.

The boys shared stories of their weeks, Kirishima talking about his newfound friendship with her old classmate Tetsu. Bakugou grumbled something about how he'd been put through torture and barely got any work done, causing Kou to snort.

"What the hell are you so cocky about?" Bakugou snarled, teeth baring, "I doubt your useless ass learned anything worthwhile either!"

She raised her eyebrow at that, "Oh really?"

Before they could continue their argument, Midoriya and Iida walked into class and all attention diverted to them.

Soon a crowd had surrounded them, asking questions and causing the green haired boy to blush furiously.

The only person left sitting was Bakugou, who had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face as he sat at his desk.

"What's all the excitement about?" Kou asked, taking her seat in front of him and turning to face him.

"Tch, do you not watch the fucking news?" He asked, "They fought the Hero Killer Stain during their work studies."

Katsuki clearly looked pissed at the attention his rival was getting, and Kou looked curiously at the boys in question. She'd actually heard of Stain long before last week but she wasn't aware that he was back in action.

Growing up, Kou had never looked up to any heroes. Where she lived, nobody did. They were seen as an annoyance, an obstacle; something that got in the way of people doing their jobs. Roppongi was infamous for having the highest crime rates in all of Tokyo, and the city was teeming with villains and thugs.

Everyone she'd gone to school with were raised to hate heroes; the dream job most of them had was much different from the average kids. Could you blame them? If you weren't related to a villain, you certainly knew of one.

When Stain had risen in popularity a couple years back, many idolized him. An assassin who specifically targets heroes? That was exactly what everyone in Roppongi wanted. Her friends back in middle school would huddle around and read articles about him, cheering on the villain's pursuit of some backwards version of justice.

Kou hated to admit it, but she actually agreed with some of his ideals. The media liked to portray heroes in the best light possible, but from first hand experience she knew they weren't as noble as they were made out to be.

She's seen heroes bribed into silence, working alongside villains and thugs for a bit of extra cash. She's heard of heroes who abused their power to get what they wanted, trampling over those weaker than them. Even if they didn't do anything outright immoral, the whole system they'd created for society was just plain fucked up.

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