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Bakugou absolutely hated school trips. He already avoided social interaction at all costs, so being stuck in a bus for three hours with his annoying ass classmates and no option to escape left him feeling ready to blow someone's head off.

Shitty Hair and Dunce face were practically wetting their pants in excitement, along with the rest of the class. Everyone was so damn noisy and irritating his earphones were starting to not cut it for him. The only person who seemed just as annoyed as him was the girl he was sitting beside.

"I can't deal with this anymore," Kou groaned, hitting his shoulder with hers slightly. "Give me one of your earphones, Baka-gou."

"Why the fuck would I do that?" he grumbled and turned to face the window away from her. "Should've brought your own, idiot."

"My phone doesn't have an mp3 player, moron." she quips back. "Now give me an earbud before I kill everyone on this bus."

Kou had never been on a school trip before (Roppongi wasn't too big on enriching their students with culture), but from what she's seen so far it wasn't a loss on her part. Everyone on the bus was acting like it was their first time outside, and the noise of their laughs and conversations was driving the girl crazy.

Kou shaked him even harder, making him growl in annoyance.

"Fine," he finally grumbled, handing her an earphone which she eagerly put in. She was soon greeted with the oh-so-comforting noise of death metal in her right ear.

"How is this any better than the noise on the bus?" Kou asked incredulously. Of course the demon would listen to this kind of music.

"If you don't like it, fuck off and give me my earphones back!" Bakugou yelled, trying to grab them back but Kou held on.

"Whatever," she sighed and leaned back in her seat in an attempt to nap despite all the noise.


She was woken up harshly 30 minutes later, Bakugou shrugging her off his shoulder. "Idiot. Get up and stop drooling on me- we're here."

Kou groggily opened her eyes, trying to focus on the view from outside the window. It seemed like they were still in the middle of nowhere. She was shoved through the aisles and off the bus by an impatient Bakugou trailing behind her.

"Have a good sleep, Shinobu?" Kaminari teased, a smirk on his face. The other three in their group giggled evilly.

"The fuck are you talking about?" she deadpanned, too tired to keep up with their antics.

Mina quickly pulled out her phone, showing off her new wallpaper which featured a pissed off looking Bakugou with Kou sleeping on his shoulder. "You guys were too cute not to take a pic of!"

"You better delete that," she heard a dark voice coming from behind her, "Unless you'd rather die."

That shut the girl up, who scurried off to the safety of the rest of their classmates. Bakugou followed Ashido, yelling threats in her wake.

Kirishima turned and smiled at Kou, who honestly couldn't be bothered. "You're pretty lucky Bakugou didn't kill you for sleeping on him, Shinobu. I don't think anyone else in class could've gotten away with that!"

Shinobu shrugged, "Who gives a shit? Pay attention to Aizawa, idiot."

True enough, their teacher had started explaining that their training camp had indeed begun. A pair of two girls in matching costumes came out of a car, putting on a little show and introducing themselves. Only Midoriya matched their enthusiasm, eyes shining at the pro-heros who called themselves the Pussycats. There was a third member; a little boy who seemed like he did not want to be there, but Kou ignored him.

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