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After Kou's embarrassing mental breakdown featuring Bakugou's destroyed shirt and more snot than she cared to admit, he'd told her to wait outside while he went into her apartment to grab her shit and bring her back to the dorms- no arguments.

She wanted to protest, but before she knew it he'd barged into her room and she was left waiting outside in the hallway. She didn't know what went on inside her home during those few minutes, but considering the fact he came out unscathed she figured everything was fine.

Kou had honestly expected him to go off and beat the crap out of Katsuro (which didn't sound like the worst thing in the world, to be honest), but he was surprisingly level headed throughout the whole ordeal.

He'd taken off his uniform jacket and placed it over her head to hide her puffy, tear-stained face from her friends. Kou was sure it looked like a hostage situation from the outside: Bakugou had her tucked underneath his arm to guide her blindfolded self. She figured he told them not to ask questions, because the group acted relatively normal on their commute home, minus Mina holding her hand the entire way back.

When they got back to the dorms Mina had helped her out of her sweater and sweatpants, being extra careful as she helped Kou clean herself off in the showers. The usual bright and cheerful girl tried her best to help her friend, and Kou was eternally grateful to her.

Bakugou took over shortly after, escorting her to his room and letting the girl rest on his bed without another word. He didn't even bother waiting till he fell asleep like he usually did before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest, and Kou quickly fell asleep to the sound of his steady breaths against her back.

See, this was nice and cute and sweet and all- for the first day. But it had been two straight days of Bakugou and the gang acting like she was some sort of charity case, and Kou was getting sick of it.

She could get breakfast by herself without Kirishima fixing her a plate and giving her his extras. She could go to the bathroom by herself without Mina waiting outside and asking her if she was okay a billion times in the middle of taking a piss. She could take a walk outside without Sero and Kaminari tagging along and trying to make her laugh with (admittedly kind of funny) shitty jokes.

And don't even get her started on Bakugou. After she confessed everything about her life to him, he'd become 10 times crazier than usual. She was already put through a gruelling interrogation yesterday; that conversation only went a little bit better than the one they had outside her apartment- at least she didn't cry her eyes out. She'd be lucky if he ever let her go back home.

If she didn't know any better she'd think he was her guard dog or something. The guy wouldn't leave her alone. If for some reason he wasn't around, their shithead friends were. Kou couldn't catch a break!

She had finally escaped their claws, saying she had to get something from her room while they were watching some horror movie in the common area before going to sleep. Of course Mina had asked to tag along, but Kou insisted that she'd be fine alone.

She shut the door behind her, breathing in a sigh of relief now that she was finally alone. Holy crap, when was the last time she was allowed to have some peace and quiet?

A couple seconds later she heard a knock on her door and she groaned. Turning around and whipping it open, she was ready to give Mina a piece of her mind and tell her to kindly fuck off-

"Where do you think you're going off to?" Bakugou's authoritative voice boomed, and Kou lightly banged her head on the side of the door.

"I just wanted a couple minutes alone." she mumbled against the wood, but Bakugou just ignored her and waltzed into her room and sat at her desk like he owned the place.

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