Start from the beginning

" Do I fucking look like an English speaker to you? "

"Bakubro! I can't find the answer to this, can you help me?"


"So you're telling me if I see some asshole getting beaten up, I have to help him even if he deserves it? Why can't I just mind my own business?"


"Hey Kou, what did you get for this question- Kou?"


The blond teen groaned, rubbing his temples in frustration. "You guys are fucking impossible! How the fuck did you even graduate elementary school? It'd be easier to teach a damn baby!"

"Sorry man," the redhead apologized, "school's never really been my strong suit."

That was obvious. Kou knew she wasn't the smartest person either, but at least she knew basic multiplication. She'd feel bad for Bakugou if he wasn't being such an annoying prick.

A couple minutes later they were interrupted by Mitsuki, who was holding a bowl of popcorn and a bag of chips. "Hey kids! Glad to see you working so hard, I thought you'd need some food to keep you going!"

"Get out, you old hag!" her son yelled, "They're not even working that hard. Don't waste our food on them!"

"Shut up you brat!" She turned on her 'angry Baku-mom' mode, a full 180 to how she'd been with her guests. "I'm not letting your friends starve!"

"Thanks!" Kirishima accepted the food eagerly, smiling as he munched on a couple handfuls of popcorn. Kou thanked her as well and started eating some chips.

"Your mom's really nice, dude." The redhead complimented, voice muffled by the crunch of his food.

"Yeah, and nothing like her goblin of a son," Kou muttered.

"Shut up!" Bakugou growled, ready to kick the two out. "You guys are lucky I'm even allowing you in my house, stop wasting my time."

The rest of the night was spent in quiet concentration, each person focusing on the subjects they were lacking in (note: almost everything) and asking questions when needed. Kou had actually gotten most of the material, thanks to the surprisingly helpful explanations from her angry tutor.

Kirishima got up suddenly when he got a call, moving to the kitchen to continue his conversation. In the meantime, Bakugou was pointing out the mistakes on her worksheet and rudely telling her how to correct them. They were sitting on opposite sides of the table, both leaning in until their foreheads were almost touching.

"Hey guys," Kirishima popped his head into the room, "I just got a call from my mom saying I have to come home- my cousins are over right now and they need taking care of. Will you be fine?"

Bakugou scoffed, not looking up from the paper. "Like you were any help. You're even more hopeless than this idiot over here!"

The shark toothed boy smiled, "Thanks for helping me out today, bro. I'm totally gonna kill these exams! See ya at school, Shinobu. Good luck!"

With that the friendly teen took his leave, and Kou was left alone with her reluctant teacher.

"How the hell do you keep getting this question wrong?" he flicked the side of her temple, earning a tired punch to his shoulder. "We went over this like 5 times."

She swayed slightly, eyes shutting for a second too long. "Mm, yeah."

This caused the blond to flick her forehead even harder, and Kou groaned softly. "Idiot. How long did you sleep last night?"

"Like 3 hours."

"You're gonna die early at this rate," he chastised, digging a knuckle into her temple. "How the fuck do you expect to do good in anything when you're always acting like a tired idiot?"

Kou knew he was right. But there were a limited amount of hours in a day, and an unlimited amount of things to do. If she had to lose a couple (a lot) of hours of sleep some days (everyday) so be it.

"When did you become such a mom?" She teased, her sleep deprivation making me more playful than usual.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Bakugou asked, not used to her joking.

"You're nagging me like one," she smiled.

Bakugou scoffed, arms crossing as he sat back in his seat. "I don't give a fuck what you do! Go fuck yourself!"

Kou laughed, mirroring his actions and sitting back too. "Mm...yeah fuck this. I'm too tired; I'll just go home."

He chuckles in victory. "You give up fast, Kou-mi."

"I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit right now," she explains, already packing up her stuff.

Bakugou remained unoffended at that, watching her as she gathered her books. "How do you think I felt all day? You and Shitty Hair have to be some of the dumbest people I've ever met."

"Not like you know very many people, you unlikeable fuck." She quipped back.

"YOU KNOW WHAT- hurry up and pack your shit and go!"

Kou rolled her eyes for the hundredth time today, "what do you think I'm doing?"

"How are you getting home?" He changed the subject, as if he'd just realized she was going home.

"Uh, the usual way?" She replied, confused at his question. "I take the train, and then the bus...and then I walk?"

"Isn't it dangerous to be out so late where you're from?" The blond pressed. He wasn't looking at her in the face, voice low almost as if he was embarrassed to even ask the question.

Kou didn't find that endearing however. Her gaze narrowed, "What are you trying to say?"

"Do I seem like that stupid blond motherfucker to you?" He asked, arms cross.

"No," she conceded a couple seconds later.

"Exactly," he said, "I don't give a fuck about your stupid background, I'm asking because I don't want to watch the news in the morning and see your dead ass on the screen."

There was a beat of silence between the two.

"Nice to know you care so much," Kou chuckled, shaking her head slightly.

"Whatever!" he snapped, "But if you end up dead in a ditch somewhere and don't show up to class tomorrow I'm killing you!"

Kou looked at him for a second, silent. Slowly a smirk grew on her face, "You know if you cared so much about my safety you could've just said that, Baka-gou."

"I DON'T! GO DIE!" he fumed, pushing her out the door and on his front steps.

"I'll text you when I get home~" she cooed sarcastically, "Don't want you to stay up all night worrying about little old me~"


Even though the angry blond denied it, he couldn't help the exhale of relief when he'd gotten her text an hour later:

I'm home. Night, Bakugou.


A/N: Okay cross posting on here and ao3 was harder than I thought lmao top anyways uhhhh hope you liked the chapter!

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