Yall Thought I Was Jokin'

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Warning before this starts:

'Brother said to meet him around this area.......so where is he?' Death thought to himself as he wandered through the trees of the current world his Nephilim brethren happened to inhabit at the moment. His long raven hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, the cool wind making his cheeks flush a soft pink with the slight nip to it. He smiled, looking around at his surroundings a little while he waited for the eldest to join him. He did not have to wait long.

       "Death!" The eldest called, waving the smaller over. Death happily ran over and hugged his older brother, smile plastered on his face

"Absalom! Why'd you tell me to meet you here,where is everyone else?" Death asked as he pulled back to look the taller in the eyes. Absalom gave a small smile.

"Because, I wanted to have some one on one time with you. You do know what today is,correct?" Death frowned, trying to rack his brain but coming up with bupkiss. Absalom chuckled.

"It's your inauguration day little one. The day you'll finally be able to join in our ranks and help us conquer a world for our race." The elder stated. Death's face lit up like the fires they set to inhabitants houses, smile so wide it nearly split his face.

"R-Really? That's TODAY?"

"Yes little one, that's today. Come, follow me. I've set up a small surprise for you in celebration." Absalom said as he led the excited child through the trees to a small, empty cave. Death looked around, seeing some sort of cooked meat, random 'side dishes' and two goblets. Death sat down, Absalom sitting beside him. Before the younger could ask about the goblets, the elder pulled out a bottle of what looked to be wine. Death's eyes widened.

"W-wine? You mean....I can have some?" He asked. Absalom nodded, smirking as he uncorked the bottle.

"Of course! You're 12 now, perfectly fine for you to have a glass." He said as he poured the smaller Nephilim some of the sweet smelling drink. Death smiled and settled down to enjoy some one on one time with his brother. Nothing could go wrong tonight, this was amazing!

               Or so he thought. One glass of wine in, the meat polished off, and Death was feeling.....off. His head was pounding like a drum, and he felt hot all over. Turning to his brother, Death spoke.

"B-Brother, I don't feel well....." Came the pitiful sounding whine. Absalom hummed softly.

"You do look a tad more pale than usual. Lie down and rest, we are not needed tonight." Absalom said, leading Death over to a strangely already made cot in the furthest corner of the cave. Death, in his misery, thought nothing of it. Lying down and curling in on himself, Death tried to ignore the pounding in his head. Instead,he focused on the body that was pressing against his from behind and the large arm that wrapped around his waist. 

"Brother?...." Death asked weakly, only receiving a soft 'Hush' in response. The arm gently started to rub his hips, moving lower with each pass. Each time Death tried to pull away, Absalom would growl and pull him back. Soon, one of the older's legs were wrapped around Death's, locking him in a python-like grip. Death started to feel uncomfortable.

"B-brother what are you doing?" He asked.

"Giving you what you want." Came the reply.


"You heard me little one.....I see the signs you've been sending out. Wanting to be claimed......What a naughty boy you are." Absalom purred as he rolled them over, pinning Death to the cot. Death let out a startled wail, struggling.

"S-signs? I haven't been giving signs, what do you mean? Claimed by who? For what?" The boy questioned, fear growing rapidly as the older male quickly stripped him of his clothing; a simple pair of trousers and loose shirt. Absalom grew tired of these questions and snarled, shoving Death's shirt into his mouth as a makeshift gag.

"Quiet now! I'm getting tired of these questions, acting as if you don't know! The teasing, the clear signs of wanting-NEEDING- to be taken! Little whore, don't think I don't notice you hanging on the other males' arms like some floozy! Pressing these perfect tits of yours against their arms and chests." With that final accusation, the elder grabbed one of Death's developing pecs and squeezed harshly with a free hand. Death let out a pained scream, his brother's nails leaving bloody scratches. Absalom chuckled, releasing the younger from his hold. Not like it mattered much anyway. Death couldn't fight, his limbs growing heavy like lead.

"Good......the drug is taking effect." He chuckled, moving back to take his own troublesome clothes off. Death looked confused as he tried to crawl away.

'Drug? What is he talking about? What is he planning on doing to me?!' Death thought, screaming through the gag as he was roughly grabbed and dragged back.

"DON'T TRY AND RUN FROM ME YOU WRETCH!" Absalom bellowed, slamming Death's head into the ground. Death screamed as his vision blurred' both from the impact and the tears forming in fear of what Absalom was planning.

'He wouldn't......no,he wouldn't!' Death pleaded in his mind, but it all flew out the window as soon as the bigger male pushed into his virgin hole, no prep, no warning, no anything. Death's muffled screams were still loud enough to echo off the cave walls. Absalom chuckled darkly as he leaned over the smaller.blanketing Death's body with his own.

"Here's to you, new member." He mocked before roughly thrusting in and out of his victim with no mercy. 

       Death tried to fight him off, but whatever he had been drugged with took full effect. The only thing he could do was sob and cry and claw at the floor while the other took advantage of him. It went on for Oblivion knows how long. Absalom did horrendous things; forced the poor boy to literally choke on his enormous cock-not caring if Death passed out-, pissing on the boy and having him drink the rancid fluid, and beating him to near death when the boy tried fighting back once the drug wore off. 

     Bits of sun shone into the cave who knows how many hours later. Death woke, his chest aching with cuts and bruises and possibly scarring injuries. His ribcage felt absolutely AWFUL. He knew he had some shattered ribs......maybe a few punctured organs as well.....Groaning as he moved, Death managed to find a nearby spring and sank in, washing himself free of all the dried remnants of the awful night. How could he....Absalom.....

'I trusted you brother............why?'

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