Poor Andy pt 2: Electric Boogaloo

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  "Mmmm, FUCK babe. Quit teasing me already!' Chris whined, hands on Andy's waist as the two made out and dry humped on the hotel bed. Andy let out a soft giggle,nipping Chris's neck.

    "Sorry baby,but we have a show soon. Can't go on stage with no voice due to you making me scream like a whore." He purred lowly. Chris carded his hands into Andy's hair,yanking backwards and exposing the young man's pale throat. Chris happily started leaving love bites onto it,marking Andy as his.

   "Mmhm,but you ARE a whore. MY whore aren't you Biersack? Just this morning you had your pretty little lips wrapped around my cock,sucking me for all I was worth. And all while I was asleep. So greedy,couldn't even wait for me to wake." The older snarled into Andy's ear,making the other moan at the filthy talk coming from his lover's lips. Andy ground down into Chris's leg,whimpering and whining.

    "C-couldn't help it! That delicious cock was calling to me,begging me to suck it! I had to Master!" Andy pleaded,eyes going wide at the last word that left his lips. He clamped a hand over his mouth and Chris let go of his hair,staring at Andy with wide eyes. He didn't get a chance to speak before Andy was off his lap and locking himself in the bathroom. Chris swallowed,taking a second to catch up on what just happened. Walking to the door,he knocked.

  "Andy baby? Let me in sweetheart.......we gotta talk about this." He said into the door. He felt a soft THUNK against the door and Andy's muffled reply.

   "No we don't! And we aren't! I made a mistake,shut up,leave me be,let me get ready for the show!" Andy replied. Chris sighed,shaking his head.

  "Andy,we gotta talk this out! You don't even know what my answer is!"

   "And thats perfectly fine with me! Fuck off,let me get ready,leave me alone!" Andy yelled. Chris groaned.

   "Andrew i swear you're being such a child! At LEAST unlock the damned door so I know you're not going to do anything stupid!" The door unlocked and flew open,revealing a red faced and teary eyed Andy.
    "Ex-fucking-scuse me?!!? What the hell are you accusing me of Ceruli?!?" He screamed. Chris backed up a little,but glared.

   "I'm not accusing! I just know how your mind gets when you get scared and stressed and you've been three months clean and I don't want you breaking that chain over some stupid name!" He yelled back. Andy's face hardened.

   "I fucking knew it! You DO find it bad! You think I'm fucked in the head!" Chris groaned and rolled his eyes,rubbing his temples.

   "No! That's-that's not what I meant at all Andy! I promise you that,I'm sorry! Wrong use of words!" He tried to explain. Andy just pushed past him and grabbed his duffel bag and stormed out the room. Chris sighed heavily,flopping on the bed. "Goddammit......"

        It had now nearly been an entire two weeks since the little fight and Andy had REFUSED to talk or be near Chris. Their friends were aware of what happened,but were split on the matter. Half agreed with Andy,Chris should.have dropped the subject and not have accused Andy of breaking his three month streak. The others thought Chris was right,they should have talked it out,and he meant nothing by asking Andy to unlock the door. He cared about his boyfriend,and knew how his mind was. What was so wrong about caring?

      "At this point,I don't give a damn who's in the right and who's not. This is KILLING Chris,he hasn't talked to any of us in four days. He looks miserable!" Devin said as the bands sat in the shared rest area of their latest hotel. Lonny bit at his lip.

   "Its killing Andy too.......I'm not sure,but I think he's back to self harming. I know for a fact he's starving himself,I haven't seen him eat anything in the last week." He said sadly. Jake snorted.

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