Oh Al...

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RoyAl ship. (Ya know,like 'royal'? Royalty? Ill see myself out now......)

Warnings: Uh,dunno yet,making this up as I go along.


Al's POV

February 13,xxxx

I have a secret,and if brother ever found out he'd surely kill me! And I'm not joking about that either,he would actually kill me if he found out! Find out what you ask? That I,Alphonse Elric,brother of the FullMetal Alchemist Edward Elric,have a crush on Colonel Roy Mustang,also known as the Flame Alchemist. Don't give me that judging look,I'm of age! Im 19 now,sheesh.......... Look,he's hot (metaphorically) and he's a sweetheart under all that playboy persona he puts on. Yeah,him acting like a womanizer is a front so he doesn't get shit for being gay. Like me. Or Ed-whoops. Didn't mean to let that slip,lets add that on to the list of 'Reasons Brother Is Going To Kill Me When He Finds Out'. So far on the list is

A) Having a crush on Mustang

B) Releasing the fact that Ed is gay

And finally,C) Keeping kittens in my closet that he doesn't know about. Its a short list but is sure to get me killed.

         Oh journal,what should I do? I love Roy,but neither him not brother know. Its killing me inside to have Roy so close yet I can't have him! He'd never like me back would he? Probably not,he still sees me as a kid from when I was in that stupid suit of armour..........*sigh* Gotta go now,dinner is ready.

Alphonse Elric

February 26,xxxx


        Ah,I guess I should explain what went down huh? Sorry dear friend,I got excited. Anyway,Roy had come over to check up on us,saying he just wanted to make sure Ed wasn't losing his mind not having his alcehemy. Brother doesn't mind not having it, but he says he sometimes misses being able to make small gifts for mom's grave. He's getting better at crafts though,so he won't miss it much.

       Roy wanted to talk to me alone,so he and I had gone for a walk down the apple orchird. They're hopefully going to start blooming soon,and I tild him I couldnt wait to pick apples for Winry's pies. He told me that was a cute thing to hope for,and he made me blush a lot. We walked a bit more,and before I knew I he had me pinned to a tree trunk. Roy said he blamed me for causing him to lose sleep,and I asked what he meant cause,he couldn't feel the same way I felt right? Wrong! Roy just chuckled and kissed me! My first kiss! I-I admit,I may have moaned JUST a tad............but I couldn't help it! He was just so good at kissing! Oh,I guess I gotta cut this short,Brother is calling. We have to go to town for groceries. I'll write more later!

Alphonse Elric

March 7,xxxx

Sorry for not writing in you sooner old friend! I've been a bit busy. You see.......Roy started coming over a lot more often,and finally asked me to be his boyfriend. Of course I said yes,and its been abooooutt....... A little over a week since we've been an official couple. But we still haven't told Brother,and I'm beyond afriad to come clean about Roy and I's relationship. I would hope Ed would be happy for me,and support me in anything and everything I do like brothers are supposed to..........but for some unknown reason he still hates Roy's guts! Even after all we've been through with him,Ed STILL hates him! I don't know why,and everytime I try and ask him,brother just brushes it off! Its pissing me off to no end!

       March 7,xxxx

Ah,sorry for cutting it so short like that,but brother came in to talk to me. I found out why he hated Roy so much..........he used to have a crush on him. He says he was happy it was just puberty talking,and that he doesn't actually hate Roy. He just acts like he does. I spoke to Roy over the phone,he and I will come clean to brother tomorrow about our realtionship. For now though,I'm going to go soak in a nice hotel bath with some peppermint oils and relax.

Alphonse Elric

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