Byakuya x Senbonzakura

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Because fuck you I can. If you haven't read or watched Thousand Years Blood War,don't read this. Contains minor spoilers. Also Mpreg and rape. Don't like,don't read,yadda yadda yadda.

    Waking up was the start of a Hell he wasn't prepared for. Looking around,he frowned. Slate eyes scanned the unfamiliar area and he called out.

    'Master? Master,are you there?' No response came. This was unlike his master. Now that he looked around,this wasn't their inner world. This place was unfamiliar and dark.....eerie. He took a few steps forward,head on a swivel. What was this place? Where was his master? Was he alright? Suddenly he felt hands on his arms. Jumping away,he pulled out his sword and faced the attacker. But no one was there. He frowned behind his mask,eyes scanning the barren land. What.....what was that? WHO was that?

     'You're so pretty. Pretty pretty sword,pretty Bankai. Must make you mine forever.' Someone whispered into his ear. He gasped and jumped away,facing a man with a mask covering the lower half of his face. He had large black eyes and pale skin,with very long,ebony hair falling past his shoulders and down to his hips. He wore what looked to be a long white coat,silver buttons running down the front. His hands bore fingerless gloves and spiked bracelets on each wrist. He moved closer and the other moved back,shakily pointing his sword at the man.

    'Who are you? What have you done to me,to my master? Where is he?' The man simply cocked his head,eyes crinkling with a smile.

    'Senbonzakura. Such a pretty name. My name is Äs Nodt. You're MY zanpaktou now. My pretty sword.' Äs Nodt coo'd,chuckling. Senbonzakura growled and shook his head.

     'I am not YOURS. I belong to my master,Byakuya Kuchki. He and he alone is my master! Not some cretin like you!' He snarled. Äs Nodt just chuckled again,eyes dilating a bit. Senbonzakura didnt like that was creepy. He trued to turn to run,run away from here. He didnt know where,but anywhere was better than with this creep. But he couldn't move. He was frozen in place. His heart began to beat wildly,what the hell was going on? Äs Nodt chuckled again.

     'Do you feel it,my pretty sword? Do you feel that icy feeling creeping through your veins? Thats fear my dear.' He cackled. Senbonzakura snarled

    'I-I fear nothing and no one! What tricks are you playing,you creep!' Äs Nodt laughed harder.

    'Oh but you do fear! Of course you fear! Fear is natural! Fear is undeniable! Fear is UNESCAPABLE.' He howled. The zanpaktou growled and tried to raise his sword to cut the laughing man down,but his limbs were heavy like a million pounds of weight rested upon them. What the hell was this guy's schtick? What the fuck was going on? Senbonzakura didnt even have time to process when Äs Nodt got face to face with him.

    Eyes widening in surprise,Senbonzakura let out a startled scream when his mask was torn off and careleasly thrown aside. Äs Nodt squealed in delight,taking Senbonzakura's cheeks into his hand.

    'So pretty! Pretty pretty pretty! And all mine!' He squealed in delight. Senbonzakura tried to pull away.

    'U-unhand me! You have no right to touch me!' He yelled,heart beating out his chest. Äs Nodt just laughed and tightened his grip.

    'Look into my eyes ,pretty. See your true fears.' He softly said. Senbonzakura tried to say something,but one glance into the creek's eyes had him frozen in fear. He saw it. His worst fears.

   His master,staring with a cold,hard gaze.

    'You have disappointed me for the last time Senbonzakura.' He said.

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