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      Andy had been pent up and pissy for the last two weeks. Touring the world had it's share of stresss, between meet and greets with obsessive fans, hotel fuck ups that had left him sleeping on the floor with two other grown men, and just general anxiety. That and not having the time to regress, no matter how much his Daddies and bandmates said he could. His mind jsut wouldn't let him! Maybe that's why he was feeling extra bratty today. He had been an ass all day, starting with blowing raspberries at Ashley when the bassist tried to hug him that morning. Then snipping at Jinxx in rehersal, followed by full on screaming at CC and Jake for the smallest jokes they told. Ashley had had enough.
       Once they were finished with their set for the night, Ashley pulled Andy to the side.
  "Andrew, I don't know what your fucking problem is,but once we get back on the bus we  are having a serious talk young man." He hissed at Andy. Andy glared and stomped on his foot, pulling away once the bassist let go to grab at his injured foot.
  "Meanie! Don't wanna talk! Leave me 'lone!" Andy yelled,going to run.Ashley caught his arm and pulled him to a dressing room. Jinxx and Jake were in there, taking off thier greasepaint. They saw what was about to unfold and shook their heads.
  "Andy, you've been a brat for the last two days.Why? What is your deal?" Ashely asked.
  "Yeah bubba, what's wrong?" Jinxx asked softly. Andy whirled to him, hissing.
  "Don't call me that asshole! I don't wanna be a baby! I'm not a baby!" He screamed. Ashely gasped as tears sprang to Jinxxx's eyes, swatting Andy's backside.
  "Andrew! He's just wanting to know what's wrrong  with his baby boy! We all do, you havne't regressed in weeks! That's not healthy little man!" Ashley tried to reason with the singer.
  "I'm. Not. A. BABY!STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE YOU ASSHOLES!"Andy screamed. Ashley bit his cheek.
  "Alright, that's it. We tried to get you to talk,but now you've pushed me too far." He growled. Ashley sat on the bench by the vanity, pulling Andy over his lap and his pants down in one swoop before letting a barrage of slaps across Andy's now pale,naked ass. Andy gasped at the first hit,then wiggled at the continued. Soon he was reduced to sobs and cries and please to stop.
  "Are you gonna drop the brat act and tell us whats wrong now?"  Ashely asked him. Andy nodded,sobbing into Ashely's thigh. The older man soon stopped his barrage of smacks,pulling the young one into his lap and holding him.
  "Now,tell us whats wrong,please baby?" Jake said soothingly. Andy cried into Ashley's shoulder,managing between sobs to tell them how he felt so overwhelmed and tired and couldnt regress and just overall shitty. He apologized to them for being a brat,he would be a good boy from now on,just please no more spankings. Ashley sighed. It was rare when Andy was spanked,he was usually such a good boy. Ashley rubbed his hips.
  "Andy baby,you gotta make sure you listen to your body. Youve been needing to regress for a little while,ans you havent. Thats not good for you baby." He soothed. Andy hiccupped.
  "B-but would be burden-" he sobbed.
  "No,you wouldnt baby. We love taking care of little you,and we dont have any more shows for a good week. You NEED to regress love bug." Jake said softly. Andy reached for him,nuzzling Jake once he was in his lap.
  "M'soweey. M'soweey,pwease dont hates me." He sobbed. Jake coo'd softly.
  "Hate you? Never baby bunny! We could never hate you! Why would we hate you?" He asked. Andy hiccupped.
  "C-cause I was means....." He whimpered.
  "Oh honey,we know you didnt mean it. Thats why we wanted you to talk to us. Its all good now love bug,its okay. What's say we go back to the bus and cuddle the rest of the night,yeah?" Ashley suggested. Andy nodded,looking around.
  " 'eese.........wan' 'eese." He whined,starting to cry again.
  "Ill go find him baby boy. Just relax with Daddy Ashy and Daddy Jinxxy okay?" Jake said,kissing his lips sweetly. Andy nodded,moving himself to Ashley's lap once more.

   Two hours later,Andy was laid across the four other Brides,happily sucking on a pacifier and watching a movie. It was Batman! His favorite! Ashley gently rubbed his thighs,Andy's legs spread over his own.
  "Alright bub. Almost bedtime. Who do you wanna lay with tonight?" He asked. Andy looked up.
  " 'eese!" He lisped. CC awed.
  "Lil' ol' me? I feel so flattered." He coo'd. Andy sat up and crawled into CC's lap,kissing his cheek sweetly.
  " 'eese!" He lisped again. CC held him close,awing.
  "Our cute baby panda. Arent you?" He said,tickling Andy. Andy squealed ans wiggled around,laughing like mad. Jinxx came back with Andy's nightly bottle,laughing at the two.
  "Don't rile him up before bed Ceese! He'll never go to bed!" He said. CC soon stopped,cradlding Andy in his arms as the young singer suckled on the bottle lazily.
The other males smiled, all was good once  agian.

    It was hours after lights out,all the Brides having retreated to their own bunks for thenight,minus CC who was cuddling with a sleeping Andy. CC had just fallen alseep, having plesant dreams when he was awoken by Andy shaking him awake, eyes overflowing with frustrated tears. CC coo'd.
  "Bubba,what's wrong?" He asked.
  "P-prince pawts! Huwts!" Andy lisped, wiping at his eyes angrily. CC looked to the litte's lap and awed. Andy must've been having some very plesant dreams. CC sat up,to the best of his abilites with the bunk,and looked at Andy.
  "Baby,can you be big for me?" He asked. All of them had agreed to never do anything sexual with little Andy. Never would that line be crossed. Andy gave a few shuddering hiccups before nuzzling CC.
  "H-help me Cee, it hurts and I don't know what I was dreaming about but I want you so bad-" The singer rambled. CC shushed him, laying Andy back on the mattress.
  "Easy baby. What do you need from me?" CC asked.
  "Your cock,please-Need to be f-filled so bad Cee,pLEaSE." Andy choked out. CC gently rubbed his sides.
   "Before I do, I need you to calm down okay Bright Eyes? You're too worked up, I need you in a clear mindset." He soothed. Andy groaned,thrusting up into CC's groin.
   "I AM in a clear mindset! Fuck me already damn it!" He demanded. CC took off both of thier pajama pants, slowly stroking Andy as he searched for the lube and condom. He found the lube,now where was that damned rubber-
  "Christan  Mora,if you don't fuck me now I SWEAR I will kill you! Fuck the condom! We're all clean damn you!" Andy demanded. CC didn't fight that, lubing up three fingers and inserting two into the young singer,who groaned happily.
   "Fuck yessss, fuckin' YES!" He moaned, throwing his head back in bliss as CC stretched him.
  "Needy little whore aren't you?" CC purred to him,inserting the third finger after a few minutes. Andy just nodded, grinding down on the fingers as one brushed agaisnt that specail bundle of nerves,gasping.
"Fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme-" The singer chanted. The drummer smirked and liberally lubed his cock,lining up with Andy's waiting hole.
       The position was a tad akaward considering the bunk, but CC made due and happily thrusted into his bright eyed singer. Andy's breath left his lungs as he was slowly filled, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
  "FUCK-" He gasped out.The brown eyed man chuckled and marked the younger's neck with dark hickeys and bite marks as he waited for the other to adjust to his admitedly larger-than-average cock.
  "So fucking tight baby. Haven't had cock in a while huh, is that why you've been such a bitch? Just need to get fucked good?" CC purred into Andy's ear. Andy nodded, rolling his hips against CC.
  "Yes! Yes,need your cocks in me!M'sorry I've been bad, m'sorry! Please fuck it out of me!" Andy all but sobbed. CC adjusted his arms and legs, starting a brutal pace as he fucked into thier young singer. Truly,they really had all the time in the world to make love properly, but CC wanted to FUCK. Andy had been suuch a bitchy brat for two weeks, he needed to be taught a lesson. They had no shows for a week, plenty of time for Andy's poor ass to recover from the pounding CC was giving him- Andy had no qualms about it, screaming CC's full name to the heavens, voice craking and throat going raw as CC's cock abused his tight little hole and prostate.

    He came at least three times before CC was done with him,laying next to the now panting older man as a pile of little nerves and goop. CC padded out  the bunk, coming back with a wet washcloth and wiping Andy down.
"Ashes and Jakey seemed to enjoy your little scream session. Passed Jake's bunk and saw them jacking off one another. Feel better now baby?" CC asked Andy. Andy nodded, going to speak but finding his throat way too sore to speak. CC kissed it gently.  "Rest now my little prince. We don't have any shows for a week. Plenty of time to rest." CC coo'd to him. Jinxx poked his head out his own bunk.
  "No shows,but we do have interviews tomorrow. Good luck explaining all of, " He motioned at Andy's marked throat and CC's clawed back, " To the fans,let alone our managers. Hope his cock was worth it Ands." He finished,flashing a knowing smirk. CC snorted.
  "Of course my cock was worth it. You were begging for it just the other night." CC countered.
"Yeah,but I got smart and can HIDE my hickeys." Jinxx sang. Andy looked at CC with wide,worried eyes. CC kissed his head.
  "We'll cross that bridge tomorrow love. I'll take all the blame okay? Rest now." He assured,laying Andy back down. No sooner had ANdy's head hit the pillow, and he was out like a light. CC sighed. It was nice to have thier Bright Eyes back to normal........

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