When An Angel Is Bored

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Castiel was,to put it mildly,bored out of his McFreakin' mind. He was currently shopping with his lover Dean and lover's brother Sam. They needed things for the bunker and equipment and shit like that,so they dragged him to the stores. Much to the angel's protests. He wanted to watch more of the pizza man.......... Anyway,he was bored,looking around at all the humans buying their groceries or just browsing. Groaning as he looked over and saw Dean bent over to retrieve something,he added onto his list of Reasons He Wanted To Go Home: Having Dean fuck him into oblivion. Ya see,Dean had banned public sex ("Too damned risky with the way you moan babe.") And no car sex(Dean had nearly blown a gasket at the thought of them defacing Baby.) So,he was stuck by a rock and a hard place. Suddenly,a thought came to mind: angels had the power to give and take away stomach cancer,removr lungs,make other explode,ect. Why not have some fun with his lover? The blue eyed angel smirked and focused for a second on Dean.

"-Anyway,yes we need this for-JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Dean moaned mid-sentance,his knees buckling under him and crumpling into a heap. Sam looked worried.

"Dean? Dean,what's wrong? Are you sick?" He asked his big brother. Dean groaned and looked at him. Sam then noticed the wet patch on the front of his pants.

"........did you just fucking cum? In your pants like a teenager?" He whispered,smirking a bit. Dean glared and spotted Cass,who was cackling with laughter. Cass stopped and gulped as Dean stood and stalked closer to him. Oh he was in big trouble.

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