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Kill me later.      ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


Shiro had a secret. A BIG secret. And,it had Matt involved. So,if Pidge or the others were to find out,death would be certain. But,back to the present. He whimpered and gave a small whine as he shufted on the hard floor of his room,his knees aching.
"M-Master-AH!!" Shiro started before feeling the crop whip-like weapon hit his skin.
"Did I SAY you could talk pet?" Rang his master's voice. Shiro shook his head,trying not to let tears fall. "I can't hear a headshake Takashi." His master growled.
"N-no sir,you didnt say I could talk......." Shiro stuttered. He heard his master rise from the bed and walk around him,humming. Shiro kept his grey eyes on his master's boots like he had been trained to. But,his head was suddenly forced up,his eyes locking onto the beautiful hazel-orange eyes of his loving master,Matt Holt.
"Takashi,do you know WHY you are being punished?" Matt said,frowning a bit.
"I-I went rouge and nearly got killed......." Shiro replied softly.
"And?" Matt prompted.
"I nearly r-ruined all the hard w-work we have done........I'm sorry Master!" He wailed. Matt tutted.
"Sorry won't cut it this time pet. I've been too easy on you as of late. I think you need to be reminded of your place." Matt scolded,standing this full height. Shiro started to whimper again,fear in his eyes.
"M-Master,please no! P-please-" he was cut off by a sharp smack to his cheek.
"What did I say about speaking when not given permission?" Matt growled out angrily. Shiro whimpered again and cowered as Matt dragged him to the bed and tied his arms and legs down and apart. Shiro started to fight the binds,but it was no use. Matt made sure he couldnt get free. He was stuck. Shiro's heart plummeted when he heard Matt's pants drop to the floor,feeling the rebel's skin on his before something was roughly shoved into him. He screamed and begged Matt to stop, but it only resulted in him laughing and hitting Shiro so hard he saw stars. Shiro started to weep. This wasn't Matt.........it couldn't be......
"-Shi! -Akashi! Takashi!" Someone called to him. Shiro groaned and looked around once his vision was clear. His eyes landed on Matt,ans he screamed before trying to scamper away before Matt grabbed his arm.
"Takashi,baby,what's wrong? You look like you've seen a Galra." Matt said worriedly. Shiro tried to fight him.
"L-let go! Y-you monster! You r-raped me!" Shiro screamed. Matt frowned.
"Love,I havent laid a finger on you.........or in your for that fact." Shiro glared.
"Y-you were angry at m-me for going rogue a-and you tied me to the bed a-and-" He tried to explain before Matt shushed him.
"Baby,I was angry,but I was just talking to you. I wasn't doing any of that........." Shiro looked confused.
"B-but it happened.....a-and why does my cheek hurt?"
"You just dropped like a rock when I turned around." Matt said. Shiro sniffled and wiped his eyes. Matt hugged him gently and Shiro relaxed. This was his Matt. His Master.

((A/N: Y'all really think I was gonna let Matt abuse our Space Dad?))

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