Chapter 62

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"They have been calling me non-stop." I said haggardly as I slumped on my desk.

Hiro and Derek just looked at me strangely.

And then they bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I sneered as I looked at the two hyenas holding their stomach from laughing too much.

"You!" They said in unison as they tried to hold back whatever laughter they have left.

"What about me?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Think about it, bro." Derek said as he put his arm around me.

"You have been in love with this girl for like, forever, and then you found her and there really was something going on between you two." He explained.

"And before you even had the chance to confess everything, you told it to the world first, and of course, she would take it differently by the way you said it. And now, you guys were fighting over trivial stuff, even though you don't know where you stand." He continued.

"Or if there ever was a relationship in the first place." Hiro supplied, while Derek nodded in agreement.

"And to top it off, you blurted your biggest secret in the world and people assumed you are going out with someone else." Derek finished.

I eyed them wearily. Why are they so good at this?

They are armchair psychologists, I tell you.

"Imagine if Hannah sees that article." Hiro exclaimed at the thought of her seeing the caption of the photo.

"She would flipped! Big time!" Derek said adding wood to the fire.

"Ugh!" I'm losing hope.

"What should I do now?" I asked for support.

"She will never accept any explanation from me. Plus, these monsters kept on calling me asking for comments regarding this model that I did not even like." I buried my face on my hands.

"Now, they are expecting me to show up tonight with Ms. Mendes." I continued.

"Even her party called me saying that Ms. Mendes was interested in becoming my partner. Like, WTH!" I'm so frustrated.

"Well, are you going to take her to the party?" Hiro asked while wagging his brows.

"Of course not!" I yelled.

What were they thinking.

"I will not blow this out even bigger than what I already did. My manager and publicist are already on the task." I stated.

"Then why do you looked like you have the biggest problem in the world?" Derek said.

"Because tonight will be the last time I'll ever see her again. She's going back to Canada tomorrow." I said.

"And then she will be gone from my life, once again." I said softly as reality hits me.

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