"I know, but you work a few floors below mine anyways. I could really use some help on some paperwork."

"Fine, but your buying me coffee. Ugh! And some pain killers."

I was fine, until the elevator doors opened and I realized I'm going to have to see Spencer and JJ at some point today.

My head was down as I quickly walked to Emily's desk. She handed me a pile of paperwork and told me to highlight all the dates and numbers.

"I'm going to go into Garcia's office in help her with a few things. I'll be back in a little while, thank you again for helping me." Emily praised.

"Any time."

About 15 minutes passed by and JJ walked past me.

"Nice to see you Dannie."

I gave her a smile and looked back at the papers. I can feep her eyes on me but I ignored it.


I didn't want to look, I knew that soft voice from anywhere. It's Spencer I tried so hard not to look at him. He pulled up a chair up and sat across from me, fidgeting with his fingers.

After a few moments passed by of him just staring at me, I finally worked up the courage to say something.

"Is there something you need?"

"Yes. Maybe...I don't know. Can we please just talk about what's bothering you? I really want to know. I really care about you but I can't help if you won't talk to me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please don't lie to me. I can tell that something's wrong. You look like you haven't slept in days, your eyes look so exhausted, it looks like you've been crying for hours and I can tell by your sensitivity to light that you have a hangover."

"Do not profile me Spencer Reid."

"I'm not trying to, I'm just really concerned about you. Damn it, why won't you look at me?"

Finally I looked up at him and everything I was doing just stopped. I wanted so badly to just hug him and just forgive him but I know I can't. My head tilted to the side and my face relaxed.

Spencer took my hand in his.

"Baby please talk to me." He pleaded.


I was cut off by JJ calling Spencer from across the room.

"Spence come show Morgan the magic trick!"

I took my hand back from his and my face resumed to its annoyed state. I began highlighting once again, avoiding his gaze.

"Go talk to your other girlfriend. Sounds like she really needs you."

I could tell that he was taken aback, he was truly shocked and I said this. But as he was walking away he stopped and looked at me to see if I would stop him. I didn't, so he sat next to Morgan. They were both looking at me the whole time they were talking.

A few minutes after Spencer went back to his desk. Morgan got up and sat across from me, analyzing my movements and my micro expressions.

"Hey little mamas."

I forced a smile to my cheeks, I couldn't seem to get any words out though.

"So, you gonna tell me whats wrong?" He continued.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? There's nothing wrong."

"Come on hot stuff you should know better, can't lie to a profiler."

Is That What You WantΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα